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Abu Dhabi seeks ‘sustainable investment’ to meet private school demands



In order to meet demands for affordable high quality private education, the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) has organised its annual Private Education Investment Forum under the slogan ‘sustainable investment’.

The conference is designed to brief investors and operators on the Private Schools and Quality Assurance (PSQA) plans for allowing access to affordable private education and the role investment can play in this. During the event, which began today, PSQA will showcase its missions, vision, scope and high-level strategy and it is hoped private investors will be prompted to place money in the sector.

In order to create a sustainable private education system, ADEC says investment and reinvestment is needed. The organisation states that PSQA, in collaboration with strategic partners, has provided over 34,000 school seats to fulfil growing demand for private education and that this has been achieved through investment.

The PSQA now has plans to create 11 new private schools, providing an additional 14,553 places for children, over the next two years.

Hamad Al Dhaheri, ADEC’s executive director of PSQD, said, “We encourage serious investors to build quality private schools affordable to low and moderate income families, discuss the sector’s needs, showcase the emirate’s needs of private schools, highlight facilitation provided by ADEC and identify obstacles facing investors.”

Sustainable investment has been growing in the region. Last year a conference in Abu Dhabi called for greater investment into renewables labelling it as a “global opportunity”, with delegates discussing how to encourage greater private investment.

Photo: Evo Flash via Flickr

Further reading:

Delegates at Abu Dhabi conference call for greater investment into renewables

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