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UK ethical fund value grew more than 20% in 2013



The value of ethical funds grew over 2013 by more than 20%, with the net retail sales figure of £207m for the year, figures for December from the Investment Management Association (IMA) show.

Overall, retail investors committed an average of over £1.6 billion of new money to funds every month over 2013. The £40m in net ethical retail sales registered in December was the highest registered in any 2013 month.

Figures from November also showed growth in the sector. Over the year, the statistics showed a 20% increase, compared to the 16.4% rise in assets across conventional funds.

Simon Howard, chief executive of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), commented, “It’s good to see the growth in the IMA figures; it echoes the more positive tone I’ve been hearing from out fund manager members in recent months.

“We think the growth will reflect two main factors. First, we think more people are actively seeking to invest in line with their values. Second, our contacts with independent financial advisers also suggest that more people are recognising that environmental and coals issues represent risks and opportunities in investment and are looking to use funds with well-developed approaches in those areas for sound financial reasons.”


Further reading:

IMA records 20% annual increase in amount invested in ethical funds

Record high £12bn invested ethically in the UK

‘Positive’ investment worth £1.6bn in the UK

ShareAction calls for laws to encourage sustainable investment


Sustainable investors could spawn ‘self-fulfilling’ carbon bubble in 2014


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