We’re all too familiar about the power of money to generate ever greater inequality. But Niall Cooper asks whether we can turn the power of money on...
Climate change will continue to be taught in geography across key stages 1-3 in England, after education secretary Michael Gove scrapped plans to take it off...
Rob Hopkins is the founder of the Transition movement. He was recently interviewed by Blue & Green Tomorrow and in 2009, gave a TED talk about...
E.ON, Centrica and RWE have won licenses to search for oil and gas in Norwegian seas, despite fears related to the risks of Arctic exploration and...
Sixty-five years ago today the National Health Service Act came into effect, creating the National Health Service in England and Wales. Thirteen-year-old Sylvia Diggery, admitted to...
Storebrand, a major Norwegian pension fund and life insurance firm, has divested from 19 fossil fuel companies to ensure “long-term stable returns” – as these stocks,...
According to a survey carried out by Social Enterprise UK (SEUK), charities are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of trading with social enterprises. SEUK brings...
Vatican Bank director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli resigned from their posts on Monday after three people, including a priest, were arrested in June...
David Cameron joined energy secretary Ed Davey and energy minister Greg Barker on Thursday to open London Array – the world’s largest offshore wind farm. The...
Daily showers and overfilled kettles account for Britain’s greatest domestic water use, according to a report by the Energy Saving Trust. One of the biggest studies...