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Navigating The Murky Challenges Of Building An Eco-Friendly Home

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By ponsulak



The demand for eco-friendly homes is growing at a remarkable pace. According to the United States Green Building Council, 40% of single-family unit homes were green last year. An estimated 82% of all residential units had green features.

Demand for green housing is going to continue to grow in the years to come. Unfortunately, some people are not aware of the features that they need to prioritize when designing green units. The good news is that creating a green home is easier than it seems.

The Lowdown on Creating Sustainable Homes

Building a green home doesn’t need to be overwhelming. However, you need to make sure that you are informed. highlighted some of the biggest challenges. They said that many homeowners need to make sure that they make astute decisions.

Many people have started to become more environmentally-conscious and are looking for ways to reduce carbon footprints. Why? Because in the long-run, being environmentally friendly will contribute to a more sustainable future. And in the meantime, it can actually help you save money. So, to help you reach these short-term and long-term goals, we’ll show you some ways you can make your home eco-friendly.


Install a Smart Meter

During the winter months, many homeowners leave their heating on for much longer than they actually need it. This leads to wasted money and wasted energy. You can combat this by installing a smart meter. The smart meter can be easily programmed to turn on only at certain times. For example, you can set it to heat up half an hour before you come home or turn off automatically after you leave.

Install Energy Efficiency Bulbs

If you want to make your home eco-friendly, investing in energy efficient bulbs is a must. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are more energy-efficient than older incandescent bulbs, so switch to them if you haven’t done so already. These bulbs use less electricity and last longer. They are also affordable. So you won’t have to spend a lot of money to make the switch.

How much do they save? The Department of Energy reports that they can cut energy consumption by up to 80%.


Another good way to improve the eco-friendliness of your home is by ensuring that you use less energy. You can accomplish this by investing in insulation. Good insulation holds in the heat, so you don’t have to use a lot of energy to heat your home. There are different places in your home that can be insulated, including in the roof and within the walls. You should also consider double glazing the windows.


Save Water

When we talk about sustainability, many people think that it is related to energy consumption alone. This isn’t the case. If you want to be eco-friendly, you must take a holistic approach. This means saving water too. Check your pipes for any leaks and fix them. You can also try to save water by making some small lifestyle changes. For example, don’t run the tap while you are brushing your teeth or shaving.

Switch Over to a Green Energy Supplier

If you are serious about making your home eco-friendly, then switch over to a green energy supplier. For example, you could have a look at getting solar panels installed on your home. Take a look at iSelect and compare the rates of electricity from different energy providers. But remember that it isn’t just about the money; green energy provides you the opportunity to become eco-friendly.

Building a Green Home Doesn’t Have to Be a Hassle

There are plenty of ways to develop a green home. You need to know how to invest in the right structures and make sure that you monitor your energy consumption and environmental footprint carefully.


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