Photographer Jamey Stillings shares thoughts on how mankind must learn to coexist with nature to ensure survival of future generations through cleaner energy sources, in this...
Taking on Tarmageddon is the story of the journey of young environmentalists travelling around Alberta, Canada, to see firsthand the devastating effects of tar sands oil...
“He walked out in the gray light and stood and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling...
Yvo de Boer, director general of the Seoul-based Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and former executive secretary of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),...
The UK government has launched a consultation on how to enable people who offer peer-to-peer (P2P) loans to use tax free individual savings accounts (ISAs). Blue...
UK-based company TUI Travel has received a top score for the information it discloses to its investors about climate change and has been the only firm...
A “toxic triangle” of political inertia, financial short-termism and vested fossil fuel interests is preventing action to curb climate change, putting millions of people at risk...
The financial watchdog has announced it is to investigate whether the subsidy scheme for the UK’s new nuclear plant will represent value for money, shortly after...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow....
SolarCity, the leading US installer of residential solar systems, is to offer green bonds directly to consumers, allowing individuals to benefit from the investment opportunity of renewable...
Today on Blue & Green Tomorrow we reported that a global fracking boom would hinder, not help, the fight to stop climate change. We also covered the launch...
“An attitude to life which seeks fulfilment in the single-minded pursuit of wealth – in short, materialism – does not fit into this world, because it...
Provider of investment decision support tools MSCI has announced the launch of a set of benchmarks to help investors eliminate or reduce fossil fuel investments from...
ClearlySo has raised about £804,000 equity from investors, including Big Society Capital, to be directed to supporting businesses and organisations that have a positive impact on...
A global fracking boom will not help prevent climate change, as cheap shale gas would displace cleaner renewable energy and actually increase carbon emissions, according to...