Rising temperatures and more frequent extreme weather are affecting two of Japan’s most popular icons, cherry trees and ancient beech forests, campaigners have claimed. The WWF...
Nine out of ten of the world’s wealthy are using digital tools to inform their wealth management transactions, according to the findings of a new survey. ...
A new initiative has been launched to lobby for the integrating of environmental and social disclosure requirements into listing rules for companies on US and global...
As human activities make the oceans more acidic many marine species are increasingly being put at risk, including populations of fish that people around the world...
The energy regulator Ofgem has confirmed it will conduct an inquiry into competition within the energy market. The announcement comes just days after consumers and businesses...
Renewable energy, electric and hybrid cars, water conservation. These are a few of sustainable living’s favourite things. Mentioned less frequently – but playing as important a...
UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon went to see first-hand the effects of climate change on Greenland’s “majestic” environment, which he said is threatening the livelihood of local...
Residents of Balcombe, the quiet Sussex village that shot to fame when a two-month protest against fracking in the area made headlines, have founded their own...
Campaigners who cleaned up UK beaches in September collected 2,309 items of litter every kilometre – the highest amount in 20 years, which they say can...
Investors with a total of £195 billion in assets under management are calling for Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) legislation to be embedded in the UK...
Amalie Obusan of Greenpeace watched on as her native Philippines was torn apart by the devastating Typhoon Haiyan last year. Here, she writes how her country...
Ahead of the eighth Responsible Tourism in Destinations (RTD8) conference in Manchester next week, the Travel Foundation’s acting chief executive Salli Felton speaks to Blue &...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
The ethical consumer market, most notably the food and drink sector, grew by more than 12% in 2012 despite the global recession, according to findings by...
Following the success of the first Sustainable Investment Bootcamp, Blue & Green Tomorrow will be running a series of free, Institute of Financial Planning (IFP) accredited events on...