Online marketplace raises £18 million for projects, including renewable energy, organic farms and social property. Ethex has tripled finance for businesses creating social and environmental change in a...
Winners and Spinners Report 2015 reveals best in class ethical funds but disappointingly also uncovers evidence of ‘greenwash’ in this year’s review of the ethical investment market. Castlefield,...
An estimate released today by EIRIS, the sustainable investment research specialists, indicates that the amount of money invested in the UK’s green and ethical retail funds...
The 6th Islamic conference of Environment Ministers held in Rabat, Morocco on 8 – 9 October 2015 (the largest convening of Muslim-world Environment Ministers), facilitated agreement...
This article first appeared on Thomson Reuters Foundation website and is reproduced with permission. The author is Chris Brown, GM for Environmental Sustainability at Olam, who delivered a keynote speech...
This morning member companies of the Oil and Gas Climate initiative (OGCI), who provide nearly 10% of the world’s energy, issued a Joint Collaborative Declaration to “express...
China’s increasingly ambitious and committed approach to climate change and low-carbon development is explored in a new report released today ahead of the State Visit to...
There have been three great economic revolutions in human history. Each one has laid solid foundations for the next revolution. I would argue that the foundations have...
Actuarial Post reports research from Standard Life which shows that: “Women investors are 10% more likely than men to want to invest in companies that achieve...
Over 30 community energy groups across the south west have today told their MPs that government cuts to renewable energy subsidies will lead to the loss...