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Eco-friendly Driving And Insurance Tips To Save You $670 Per Year

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By Syda Productions



Fears of climate change are becoming more pronounced than ever. People are taking all kinds of measures to help protect the environment. One of the biggest lifestyle changes that you can make is changing your driving habits to be more eco-friendly.

You can help the environment a lot by changing the way you drive. But did you know that it can also save you a lot of money? There is a strong correlation between eco-friendly driving habits and the amount of money that you spend on insurance and gas. For the purpose of this article, we will discuss the ways that green driving can lower insurance premiums. To get cheap insurance for your car and save up, visit

Eco-Friendly Driving Practices Can Cut Your Insurance Rates Sharply

There are a number of green driving tips that can lower your insurance premiums. One of the biggest things that you can do is cut the mileage that you drive every year. You will be classified as a low mileage driver if you drive fewer than 7,500 miles a year. Of course, your carbon footprint will also be half that of the average driver on the road.

Practicing green driving tips is important to lower your carbon footprint and get better insurance rates. However, you also need to do your auto insurance research. You want to find an insurer that is going to actually reward you for driving less and more responsibly. Viking insurance offers to shop for you – but remember – some other companies are ultimately looking for a way to make a profit. They only make a profit when policyholders pay for that profit. Even the best of them may be tempted to give you a bit less than the best deal. They are a great company for eco-friendly drivers looking to get better premiums.


The Good News is that You Can Do Your Own Comparison Shopping as a Green Driver

As an eco-friendly driver, you need to know how and where to shop. Fortunately, it’s not a complicated process. Believe it or not, this is how Viking insurance of Wisconsin put together the quotations that they offer to green drivers like you.

Insider Trick – Auto Insurance Comparison Site!

Honestly, for all those who work for Access insurance company, what they are about to tell you could get them fired. In fact, that’s what happened to one of them that work for the company. She “spilled the beans” revealing how viking insurance shopped for insurance coverage, and her boss “put her on the road.” Many environmentally conscious drivers have followed suit.

How the Process Works Briefly:

When you apply for insurance with “Company X,” you fill out a form. That form gives the company all of your basic information. They will need your name, address, phone number, and key identifying information. Of course, they will want EXACT information on your vehicle(s) – make, model, year, and in many cases mileage. Believe it or not, some companies used even to ask what color the vehicles were! They will also want to know how many miles you drive per year.

The Insurance Company Will Then Check Your Records

Viking Insurance wants you to know about accidents, traffic violations, credit rating, and a bunch of stuff that you never thought mattered. If you are a green driver, you should score better on these metrics than people that leave a larger carbon footprint. The factors are highly correlated.


Your rating on each of the variables is assigned a value, and the score is added up. Using their company’s standards, they then compute your rate. When all of that is done, they send you their “best” offer.

There are several automobile insurance comparison sites, which take that key information and submit it to multiple companies. Then each of those companies processes your application and sends you a quotation. You can then compare their offers and decide which one is best for you.

For all those who used this process (back in 2017), it chopped my total cost from $217.35 per month to just $91.62! At that time, you probably were driving a lot of miles – let’s say 150 miles, and often over 200 miles per day. Yes, you had to change insurance companies – but why should you care? For that sort of money, you should have changed “in a heartbeat”!

All Automobile Insurance Comparison Sites ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL!

For example, let’s say, “Sam” heard about how well you have done, so he tried it – and every offer that he received was substantially HIGHER than what he was already paying. When he told you about it, you did some checking, and discovered that Sam had accidentally stumbled into the clutches of a bogus “comparison site.”


That’s right – you have to be careful on the internet because things are not always as they seem. The site that Sam used was a sham site, set up to funnel customers to one high priced company. Most of the offers that he received were fraudulent, didn’t even come from “real” insurance companies. They certainly weren’t going to reward him for being a responsible, eco-friendly driver.

Sam received just two “legitimate” bids, and both were from real – but dishonest – insurance companies which had a clandestine agreement to rip off unsuspecting customers. Who knows – they may both be divisions of the same dishonest insurance group!

This is why you need to be careful to send your information to a legitimate comparison site, and to check it every few months, to be certain that you are getting the best deal. You should especially check it any time that your rate increases, no matter what reason they give for the change.

So How Can You Know Who Is Worthy of Your Trust?

You Can Know!


You must learn about Sam’s experience; you got to thinking about the need for a way to find safe, reliable comparison sites. Talk to Viking insurance agent and set up a referral site. Each month, you should plan to reevaluate “the market,” and offer our recommendation for the best comparison site. The competition offers a wonderful incentive! Because of the need to compete for your business, the “best” site this month may not be the best two or three months from now. Check with Viking auto insurance, and you’ll always have up to date, competitive bids.

Each month, Viking Insurance will report which automobile insurance comparison site seems to be offering the best service, and they will write a detailed review explaining what they have found.

If you have followed this story, you may recall that if you use this trick, your monthly rate will go from $217.35 to $91.62. That is a monthly savings of $125.73. Based on a 30-day month, it saved you $4.19 per day! That’s right! You go from spending almost $7.25 per day to just a little over $3.05/day.

You should continue to check rates periodically, and because of this process, you’ve been able to reduce your rate further. This month, you could have paid just $61.63 to insure three vehicles. That figures out to $2.045 per day for three vehicles – or only about $0.684 per vehicle per day!


Thinking back to where this insurance adventure began – when you were paying $217.35 per month – and comparing it with today’s rates – $61.63 per month – you are saving $155.72 every month! With the rising cost of living, it doesn’t mind telling you – that money comes in very handy!

Following this recommendation will help you to receive competitive bids from real insurance companies, and you too can save a bundle of cash.

Viking Insurance will update the site each month to reflect the latest findings, so you will be able to know that you are dealing with the best sites. Your bank account will benefit. Your family will benefit. You didn’t even think about this simple trick!

Are you ready to slash the cost of YOUR auto insurance coverage? Go to Viking insurance site, read their report on this month’s best resource, follow the straightforward instructions – and before you know it, you too will find a way to reduce the cost of your automobile insurance dramatically.

Get Rewarded as an Eco-friendly Driver Today

There are a lot of great ways that you can get rewarded for being an environmentally conscious driver. You will pay less on gas and insurance premiums if you follow the right eco-friendly driving tips. You can lower your auto insurance costs – today!


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