Emperor penguins have shown to be not as attached to their nesting locations as previously thought, meaning that they could adapt much easier to their changing...
As the UN warns that the number of refugees is at its highest since the second world war, campaigners have called for more to be done...
“There is surprising – even shocking – good news” in the fight against climate change, former US vice-president and environmental campaigner Al Gore has said, while...
Britons drink an estimated 165 million cups of tea every day, creating a huge market and one we cannot afford to see reduced due to climate...
Student pressure group People & Planet took to the offices of advocacy organisation Universities UK (UUK) on Thursday, in a campaign against British universities’ investments in...
Preventing the worst impacts of climate change will require a more sustainable shipping industry, according to a new report. In High Seas: High Stakes, experts from...
What will business look like in the future and who are our future leaders? This is the next instalment in our series speaking with a group...
Corporations and investors should work together to ensure that sustainability is integrated throughout businesses, in order to establish long-term value creation, according to a report from...
The impacts of climate change, such as floods and droughts, and its subsequent policy responses, will pose significant challenges to an energy sector that must also...
The tourism industry will be severely hit by the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, acidifying oceans, the loss of biodiversity and global...
We need some serious ‘lobbying for good’ by business if global climate change negotiations are to have any chance of success, writes Paul Monaghan. PJ O’Rourke took...
A student pressure group has delivered 15,000 signatures to Universities UK, an advocacy organisation, in an effort to persuade British higher education institutions to cut their...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
The UK and Chinese governments have agreed to co-operate to tackle the issues around climate change and energy security, further signalling that UN climate talks next...
Climate change is decimating populations of tiny species that live on the seabed of the Antarctic shore, threatening ecosystem stability and life higher up the food...