The Netherlands has today imposed a first-ever sanction on a Dutch company for violating the European Timber Regulation. The sanction follows a Greenpeace investigation into the...
Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
Two Norwegian and Russian state-owned energy companies have entered into a controversial partnership over oil exploration in the Arctic, despite the European sanctions imposed on Russia...
The multinational bank Standard Chartered has warned it faces further fines, remedial action and an extended monitoring period as New York’s financial regulator found problems with...
British utility Centrica is in talks with the UK government regarding its concerns over EU-wide sanctions on Russia, with the company fearing that worsening relations could...
As the conflict in Gaza intensifies with no end in sight, campaigners are urging investors of all types to ditch their holdings in companies profiting from...
The US and the EU have announced new economic sanctions against Russia, including measures that may impact on international oil companies. The decision was made as...
Oil and gas giant BP reported a rise in second quarter profits on Tuesday, but has warned that further growth may be hit by proposed economic...
Oil giant ExxonMobil may have to put its controversial ambitions for operations in the Russian Arctic on ice because of the political situation in Ukraine, it...
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has agreed to pay US regulators $100m (£61m) following allegations that the bank violated sanctions against Iran, Burma, Cuba and...
Iran has agreed to curb its nuclear activities in exchange for partial relief on international sanctions. David Cameron said this was an important first step while...
The 10 largest water companies in the UK are responsible for vast amounts of illegal sewage pouring into rivers and onto beaches – but face small...