Four leading investment houses discuss the compelling case for sustainable investment and the barriers that are currently stopping it from becoming truly mainstream. This article originally...
The European parliament has voted through new legislation that requires large companies to disclose non-financial information. The changes have been described as “landmark”, making corporate information...
Companies that provide solutions to the challenges of sustainability will see stronger, long-term growth those that don’t. That’s why they make such compelling investments, says Tim...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) latest report has implications for us all. But given it warns of the unsustainability of our approach to energy...
April 24 2014 will mark the first anniversary of the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh, which claimed the lives of 1,129 people....
For a number of years, many in the ‘mainstream’ investor community have rebuffed attempts to get them to take sustainability concerns into account in their investments,...
By the end of the decade, impact investment has the potential to reach $1 trillion (£600 billion) and deliver significant social benefits, according to Jennifer Kenning,...
An investment fund that supports social enterprises with their growth ambitions has had a “significant and positive” impact on the sector and businesses involved, according to...
In 1998, the now-discredited surgeon and medical researcher Andrew Wakefield published a paper that suggested there was a causal link between the measles, mumps and rubella...
Joseph Iddison examines the health consequences of having a high-carbon economy, as part of World Health Day. As the world continues to burn fossil fuels to...
The Norwegian government has announced that the country’s sovereign wealth fund will increase its investment in environmental projects. However, green groups have voiced their disappointment that...
Rob Hopkins answers 20 questions on life, sustainability and everything. He is the man behind the Transition Towns movement, which was launched in Totnes, Devon, in...
A combination of strong winds and high levels of dust has forced the government and the Met Office to look at the increasingly poor air quality...
There are thousands of them in every corner of the world and they are visited by hundreds of millions of people each year. Alex Blackburne speaks...
Whether it’s for growth, income or your children’s long-term prosperity, there are a range of investment styles for you to consider. This article originally appeared in...