UKSIF backs Sustainable September
The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) is backing Blue & Green Tomorrow’s month long celebration of sustainability, Sustainable September, by becoming a partner of the debate.
Sustainable September aims to bring together thought leaders from a variety of organisations and industries to discuss sustainability and the challenges we as a world face today. A series of four Oxford-style debates, focussing on tourism, investment, energy and retail, will be followed by an all day conference throughout the month of September.
UKSIF is a member organisation that promotes responsible investment and other forms of finance that support sustainable economic development and has a positive impact on society and the environment. The organisation acts as the voice of the UK sustainable finance industry and provides members with support.
The association also lends its support for UK leadership in advancing sustainable development through investment and finance, including championing long-term responsible ownership, accelerating impact investment and supporting global co-operation to advance sustainable investment.
UKSIF also runs Good Money Week, formerly National Ethical Investment Week, a campaign that aims to raise awareness about the ethical options that are available.
The organisation provides comments and insight into a variety of investment related topics, as well as conducting its own research, ranging from fiduciary duty to growth in impact investment.
UKSIF have previously explained why they are supporting Sustainable September, as have Ecclesiastical Investment Management and Alliance Trust Investments.
Tickets for the Sustainable September events are available to purchase here.
Further reading:
What is Sustainable September?
Tickets on sale for Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Sustainable September events
A taste of Sustainable September from our 2013 bootcamp

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