The Czech Republic have been commended for supporting the development of robust natural gas and electricity infrastructure in the latest review of Czech energy policies by the...
An announcement has come today detailing a £5million investment from global energy companies for the firm behind plans to build a commercial-scale, kite-driven power station, near...
Today marks an announcement from the Scottish Cities Alliance of Smart City projects that will be taken forward across the seven cities wth the aim of...
Britain’s Kite Power Systems (KPS) has obtained £5million (US$6.19m / €5.86m) of new investment from E.ON, Schlumberger and Shell Technology Ventures (STV). The investment will go towards KPS’s...
According to analysis of an internal BP report leaked to Energydesk, a litany of failures in the way BP manages critical safety information may be increasing...
Today marked an announcement stating that funds valued at over US$5 trillion have now divested from fossil fuels at press conferences in New York and London. Global commitments...
Last week in London saw Brazilian companies underline their intention on green bonds and green securities. CPFL Renováveis, Klabin and Ecoagro foreshadowed potential green bond issuance to...
A beautiful architect-recommended wood, Kebony, has had yet another fruitful year following success in several awards for its innovative product and notable projects. To kick start 2016,...
The future of a sustainable shipping sector has been boosted as four global shippers, Farm Frites, IOI Loders Croklaan, Lamb Weston / Meijer and Vion Food Group...
A two-tier energy network was ‘simply not on the cards’ according to Dr Jonathan Marshall, energy analyst at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) in response...
Christian Aid’s Head of Private Sector Engagement, Ken Boyce has responded to the news that institutions and individuals controlling $5.197 trillion in assets have pledged to...
The third annual Global Fossil Fuel Divestment and Clean Energy Investment Movement report from Arabella Advisors has revealed that the global movement to divest from fossil...
Trevor Hutchings, Director of UK and EU Advocacy at WWF-UK has commented on the first anniversary of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the following statements....
Plans for shared offices will create renewables hub and and prepare for a clean energy future. The Solar Trade Association (STA) has signed an agreement to lease part...
NTR has added a further 29 MW to its onshore NTR Wind 1 fund portfolio, with the acquisition of Twin Rivers, a 28.7 MW wind project...