The Synthesis report on the aggregate effect of INDCs report assessing countries’ contributions to the Paris climate agreement released today by the UNFCCC sets off alarm bells...
Over the past six years, the ArBolivia Project has raised around £4 million. While this is their fourteenth share offer, it is the first time they are offering both shares and rewards...
An unprecedented world-wide effort is underway to combat climate change, building confidence that nations can cost effectively meet their stated objective of keeping a global temperature...
Today, the UN Climate Change Secretariat will present the synthesis report on the aggregate effect of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) at a press conference in...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s latest forecast predicts a strong El Nino is likely to bring heavy rain to drought-stricken California this winter. However, the...
The month’s nearly over and we’ve seen 44% growth in readership and 30% growth in twitter profile visits. Here’s the articles that were read by most...
Tonight, millennials join Restore the Earth Foundation for happy hour at Bayou, launching a movement that allows them to invest in the environment at their own...
Today the 230 member organizations of the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) are launching the “Month of Climate Action” campaign, calling for an unprecedented Catholic mobilization...
Slow Food has: “said it from the beginning: Expo 2015 was only ever going to be an interlude for us [Slow Food], six months of a...
The City of London Corporation has announced that the 2016 Sustainable City Awards are now open for entries. For 14 years, the awards have celebrated and...
In further signs of the staggering pace of transformation in global energy markets, Indian power behemoth Reliance Power, one of the three largest private power groups...
While Brazil and Peru have better climate plans than Chile or Argentina, none of them have been rated as “sufficient” by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT),...
Greenpeace has launched a challenge to the plantation industry to respond to the devastating scale of the forest fires crisis, set out in a new Greenpeace...
Forest fires continue to burn through the Arariboia Indigenous Lands of the Brazilian Amazon, home to the Guajajara people and the mostly isolated community of Awá...
University sailing clubs from across the UK are taking part in the first ever University Sailing Sustainability Challenge, set up by The Green Blue – a...