Talks to create two protected marine reserves in the Antarctic have failed, as Russia, Ukraine and China refused to commit to the plans. Delegates from 24 countries...
Broadcast from the beautiful Cornish town of St Austell, two leading renewable energy suppliers got a mention on Question Time, the BBC’s flagship political debate programme, on...
Throughout October, the social bank Charity Bank held several events as part of its Different Journeys programme. Eighty of its savers visited 16 of its borrowers,...
Naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has called on the “global community” to raise £110,000 in order to protect endangered mountain gorillas in Africa, in his...
The rate of annual increase in global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions dropped to 1.4% in 2012 – less than half the average over the past decade....
Businesses must “strive for stewardship” when it comes to the social, environmental and financial risks that come from water negligence, according to CDP’s global water report...
As the debate on energy prices intensifies, the energy secretary Ed Davey has promised to increase competition in the energy markets by speeding up the time...
As the first French woman who managed a trade union, as the chairwoman and founder of the CSR Rating Agency Vigeo, Nicole Notat has played a...
The majority of renewable energy firms in the UK think the lack of a binding 2030 renewables target sends a poor signal to investors. There is...
Despite an extension for the Gloucestershire badger cull being approved, concerns have been raised that it may not meet the minimum requirement. Natural England confirmed that...
In September, I attended an event hosted by Ford in Frankfurt, introducing journalists to its new electric and hybrid range of cars. The journey itself was...
A report from Greenpeace suggests that pulp and paper firm APP is moving towards sustainability within its supply chain. In February this year, APP launched its...
Major pension funds and investors that already see the long-term financial risks associated with investing in high-carbon industries are “ahead of the curve”, according to pensions...
Payday lenders such as Wonga, QuickQuid and Payday UK have been criticised by consumer groups, politicians and even the archbishop of Canterbury in recent weeks, over...
Helen Ghosh, director-general of the National Trust, has stated the organisation supports technologies that “harvest nature” rather than mines it. The comments follow Ghosh telling the...