Amid a whole host of environmental, social and economic pressures, Tim Jackson, author of the brilliant Prosperity Without Growth: economics for a finite planet, spoke at...
Thank you for continuing to read the news, features and reports we write. We continue to grow rapidly and wouldn’t be doing so without our readers....
On the day that the British Geological Survey revealed that previous studies into UK shale gas reserves could have hugely underestimated the potential, the Economist magazine hosted...
Pollution, waste, resource scarcity and price volatility, deforestation, polar ice loss, biodiversity loss, abuse of humans, corporate malpractice, loss of the wilds, the collapse in bee...
As chief executive of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), Penny Shepherd became known as one of the industry’s foremost authorities in the sector....
My son William (or Will, Wills, Willhelm, the Willmeister) is four years old today. He’s going to grow up in a radically different world to the...
Private investor Darren Hall explains his motivations for investing in the Converging World, a charity that aims to enable and fund community activity in sustainable resources. A...
Julian Parrott, partner at Edinburgh-based Ethical Futures, reflects on a recent survey that said short-term financial planning was apparent among eight out of 10 individuals who...
It was 56 years ago today that a 25-year Medical Research Council study confirmed that smoking caused cancer. Tobacco firms rejected the assertion as a ‘matter...
It’s been a week since the banking commission reported on the industry’s “shocking and widespread malpractice”. Apart from the initial flurry of media interest, the report is...
Barack Obama has ordered new curbs on carbon emissions from power plants and has vowed to act on climate change. To back up his stance, the...
As Glastonbury 2013 gets underway, Francesca Baker reflects on how festivals can inspire a generation of environmentally-aware individuals. Music playing, beer flowing, away from home, everyone...
Greenpeace, the environmental campaign group at the frontline of some of the most urgent environmental battles, is on the lookout for responses to a survey that...
Blue & Green Tomorrow’s core aim is to encourage readers to buy from, and invest in, businesses that balance the needs of the planet, its people...
Doug Balfour, CEO of philanthropic consulting firm Geneva Global, writes about the power of collective action in tackling key international development challenges. You can’t travel around the...