Stock markets are at risk of serious instability because fossil fuel assets can become overvalued when the need to tackle climate change is factored in, a...
A campaign lobbying for a more sustainable banking sector has urged people to move their money out of banks that fund the fossil fuel industry and...
This week’s featured fund is the Ecclesiastical Amity UK fund. Managed by sustainable investment pioneer Sue Round, director of group investments at Ecclesiastical, it is one of...
A leading health official has said that the government may need to introduce a tax on sugar in order to tackle the adverse health effects that...
Triodos, one of Europe’s leading sustainable banks, has revealed its total assets under management increased 20% to €9.6 billion (£7.9 billion) in 2013. Meanwhile, the €25.7m...
Cancelling the controversial HS2 rail project would cost the UK investment and jobs and result in slower rail services and congested roads, according to a group...
High-speed stock traders are set to harness technology to make trades even faster this month. In the pursuit of speed the industry will use lasers to...
Despite the peer-to-peer lending market growing, the majority of investors are still cautious about putting their money into the sector, a survey has found. Some 84%...
12 Years a Slave won best picture at the Academy Awards on Sunday night. The film highlights the relentless cruelty perpetrated in 19th century America. However,...
Apple chief executive Tim Cook has said that the company does not prioritise getting a return on investment over its consideration of environmental issues, telling attendees...
Share prices fell as the Russian stock market opened its doors on Monday, according to local media. The slump comes amid escalating tensions around the Ukraine....
Campaigners from Transform Scotland are calling for greener, faster and safer rail services across Scotland, to help “bring cities closer together”. Its new campaign was launched...
Tanya Pein, investment specialist for charities and private clients at In2 Consulting, gives advice to clients on sustainable, responsible and ethical investment. She is also co-chair...
The Church of England has placed a job listing for the position of head of responsible investment. The posting follows strong criticisms around the church’s investments...
The Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (SIF) has launched the second edition of its sustainable investment award, celebrating institutions that excel in responsible finance. Last year the...