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The UK’s New Prime Minister Is Welcomed By Social Enterprise UK



Social Enterprise UK’s CEO, Peter Holbrook has stated that ‘Much social enterprise can offer the new PM and her Cabinet ministers’.

Commenting on the appointment of the Rt Hon Theresa May MP as Prime Minister, Social Enterprise UK’s CEO, Peter Holbrook, today said:

“There is much that social enterprise can offer the new Prime Minister and her Cabinet ministers as they work to address the numerous challenges facing Britain. We have public services in need of reform, a loss of trust in mainstream business, growing inequality and markets that favour predatory private companies.

Social enterprises are proof that business can be a force for good.

They are creating wealth in local communities where it’s needed most; delivering high quality health and other public services; giving their employees a stake and a say in how their businesses are run; and are pay their taxes.”

Bold words, but remains to be seen what will happen in practice


“In her big speech on economics earlier this week, Theresa May was bold in saying what needs to change, but we have heard much of this before from our political leaders. She talked explicitly – like others before her – about putting the ethics back into mainstream businesses so that they are more responsible and paying their way, and reforming the markets so that they are more transparent and work for all – not just the few. These are noble ambitions. I’m optimistic at this stage, but it remains to be seen what will be delivered in the coming months and years.

“The UK’s social enterprise sector is becoming an important British export, as well as having a profound influence on the mainstream economy at home. It has enjoyed the support of successive governments and this must not waver if the UK economy is to be truly improved for greater shared prosperity.”


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