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UN wants a future worth choosing

A report from the UN has come up with several recommendations to change the way the world does business to improve the planet. Charlotte Reid has more.

The High Level Panel on Global Sustainability urges leaders to think about what matters the most – the long term future of the planet.



A report from the UN has come up with several recommendations to change the way the world does business to improve the planet. Charlotte Reid has more.

The High Level Panel on Global Sustainability urges leaders to think about what matters the most – the long term future of the planet.

The report, called Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing, has 56 recommendations to help put sustainable development into mainstream practice and economic policies as quickly as possible.

It calls for an integration of the social and environmental costs in world prices and for sustainable development indicators that go beyond looking at Gross Domestic Product. It also calls for governmental sustainable development goals to help monitor their progress.

The findings of this report will be used as discussion material at Rio+20, a UN conference on sustainable development which will be held this summer.

The two chairs of the report, Finnish President Tarja Halonen and South African President Jacob Zuma, presented the report to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.


President Zuma said we should think about the sustainable economy because of “the possibility of the world slipping further into recession”.

He added, “Policymakers are hungry for ideas that can help them to navigate these difficult times.

Our report makes clear that sustainable development is more important than ever given the multiple crises now enveloping the world”.

Co-chair of the report, President Halonen, pointed out the importance of people in sustainable development and said, “Eradication of poverty and improving equity must remain priorities for the world community.


The Panel has concluded that empowering women and ensuring a greater role for them in the economy is critical for sustainable development”.

UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said, “We need to chart a new, more sustainable course for the future, one that strengthens equality and economic growth while protecting our planet”.

The report ends with a call to action. It says that following up the recommendations in this report is “crucial”. It says that the UN should send the message out to a wide community consisting of Governments, businesses and scientists to name just a few.

This shows how important it is to work together and to work quickly to make the future worthwhile. Blue & Green Tomorrow advocates shopping ethically, using renewable energy and sustainable travel, but also to think about more than just profit.


There are a number of ethical and environmental funds and investment opportunities available, which we have showcased. So if you want to find out more contact your IFA, and if you don’t have one then fill in our form and we will put you in touch with an ethical adviser.

Picture source: World Economic Forum


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