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How different industries are going green



It’s safe to say that there has never been a bigger emphasis on ‘going green’ as there is right now; indeed, the media is filled with ideas for greener living. There are anxious articles regarding the impact that many industries have upon the environment and statistics that seem to point us towards the apocalypse, but it’s not all doom and gloom; you see with a little innovation, and the determination to make a change, thousands of businesses around the world are already going green. Isn’t that our social duty and environmental responsibility as industry leaders, after all?

The benefits of going green

There are numerous benefits to going green, including the reduction of a company’s carbon footprint, a decrease in bills and stationery costs, and tax advantages and incentives; numerous studies have estimated that switching to lower energy light bulbs can save 70% on energy bills alone, which is a big deal for companies of any size. More than that, though, going green is your business’s chance to embrace innovation, and to take care of the landscape that has nurtured us throughout our existence; going green isn’t a trend, but a sustainable means for protecting our planet. As if that wasn’t enough, pledging to operate in a more environmentally friendly manner can do so much more for your business.

By building greener policies into your mission statement you may see an increase in the clients and customers wanting to work with you, find that you’re attracting talent from a far greater pool, and even set the standard for your industry and those around you. Going green is a great way to improve working standards for your team and to boost morale and productivity. Are you ready to find out more?

Green industries: what, where, and why?


You’ve heard some of the numerous reasons why businesses, yours included, should be going green, but have you been inspired by any recent examples? You see, it’s all very well to make that green pledge, but without the right plans in place that’s all you’ll ever achieve; a pledge to be better, to go further, to do more. What the environment, and your company, could really benefit from right now is action, and we have a few ideas regarding where you could be starting, least of all greener commute policies and cycle to work schemes…


The manufacturing industry and innovation go hand in hand, and it’s never been easier for factories, workshops, and industrial sites to improve their standards; new equipment that’s easier to use and markedly more environmentally friendly is being introduced at a great rate. You see, manufacturing processes waste an awful lot of heat, energy, and power, but by making greener choices companies can actually increase their productivity, improve their performance, and save the planet – all in one go. Have you explored the very latest technology available to you?



The increasing popularity of social media, and the stratospheric rise of digital technology have meant that journalism is fast becoming an industry that has almost fallen into the green by accident. Our reliance upon newspapers for our current affairs and gossip is dwindling, heavily reducing the paper trail once created by those keen to keep us informed. The media is one area that positively thrives online; journalist Alison O’Riordan is one of many that turns to social media and Twitter feeds in order to keep their followers up to date. Alison’s use of such a platform automatically turns consumers away from print media, and allows more and more of the journalist’s world to exist online. While it pays to remember that computers and technology aren’t without a carbon footprint of their own, the digital world is certainly one keeping the environment in mind.

Building and construction

Back in 2012, it was estimated that some 41% of construction companies were operating within the guidelines of greener policies, and that number has no doubt risen in the last four years. Sustainable building is so much more than a ‘fad’; it’s an industry standard these days, and the construction industry has seen so much innovation in recent years – all of it geared towards cleaner living. The introduction of better insulation, improved glazing, updated interiors, and chemicals with reduced emissions, as well as greener building practices are all ensuring that this is industry is one of the most transparent and affordably green.

General Business


Office buildings dominate the landscapes of the biggest cities and the smallest towns, and it’s towards those businesses we often look when chatter turns to greener energy. Such companies tend to use all manner of electrical appliances on an almost daily basis, as well as forging quite an impressive paper trail as they go. It’s here that the smallest, and yet most impactful changes can be made. Switching to a paperless environment, in which documents and files are stored electronically on a cloud-based system, is just one way that the general business industry can reduce its carbon footprint. Enabling employees to work from home every now and again, introducing recycling, and endeavouring to turn lights and appliance off when they’re not in use are also incredibly simple ways to make that change.

It’s safe to say that the world is going green, although some industries are certainly rushing improvements through faster than others. A recent study estimated that some 81% of the world’s chief executives had pledged to incorporate sustainability into their business plans, but we should be seeing increasing activity, rather than promises, as time marches on. Have you considered how your business could be doing more to reduce its carbon footprint and take a step into the future? Now’s the time…



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