Friday 13th, here’s the 13 most polluting nations
On Friday 13th here is a list of the top thirteen countries by total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is based on data for carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, perfluorocarbon, hydrofluorocarbon, and sulfur hexafluoride emissions compiled by the World Resources Institute. The emissions data shown below do not include land-use change and forestry.
1) China, 22.7%
2) United States, 15.6%
na) European Union 10.9%
3) India, 5.7%
4) Russia, 5.4%
5) Japan, 2.9%
6) Brazil, 2.6%
7) Germany, 2.1%
8) Indonesia, 1.9%
9) Canada, 1.7%
10) Iran, 1.6%
11) South Korea, 1.6%
12) Mexico, 1.6%
13) United Kingdom, 1.4%
The greenhouse gases measured:
– carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas, toxic
– methane, greenhouse gas
– nitrous oxide, greenhouse gas, toxic
– perfluorocarbon, greenhouse gas, toxic
– hydrofluorocarbon, greenhouse gas, toxic
– sulfur hexafluoride, greenhouse gas

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