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4 Ways Shift Planning Software is Conserving the Planet

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As natural disasters become more prevalent, people are debating the solutions we need to implement. Protecting the environment has become a tremendous challenge, because thousands of factors play a role. Even small factors like workplace scheduling have created issues for the environment.

Organizations need to be aware of different types of shift planning software that are suitable for them and their business, for example, the healthcare industry can utilise home health agency software applications for in-home care services that can help them meet their goals and streamline rostering. The right application will be better for their bottom line, without focusing on business models that are bad for the planet.

I recently spoke with a friend that is an environmental planner from Fresno, California. She said that improving workplace scheduling can have the following benefits for the environment:

  • Minimizing the number of employees onsite, which ensures electricity and other resources are used more efficiently.
  • Reducing the risk that employees will travel unnecessarily for a shift that isn’t scheduled.
  • Minimizing paper waste by keeping scheduling online.
  • Reducing the time managers spend on scheduling makes it easier for them to monitor resource waste, thereby lowering their company’s carbon footprint.

Shift planning and work roster management are the bane of many a manager’s life. It’s a continuous puzzle that needs to be solved to the satisfaction of all concerned. While staff members each have different needs including family commitments, personal preferences and logistical challenges to be met, business requirements are for a simple and reliable process that optimises staff use and maximises productivity.

Rather than struggling with the traditional pen-and-paper approach, basic spreadsheet functionality or Google calendars, an app based HR software tool and shift planner can solve the problem elegantly. Able to accommodate worker preferences within an easily managed system, the software uses mobile technology and transparent communication to create a real time responsive staff rotas that have a number of important benefits.


1. Clearer communication

Managing work schedules is a never ending process that is, unfortunately, always prone to human error on the part of both management and/or staff. Without a reliable system or clear communication to send or receive information on roster changes and updates, shifts can get missed by accident or team members may turn up for work in error.

Introducing app based staff scheduling software that can be accessed through a computer, tablet or smartphone changes all that. With over 80% of adults in the UK now owning a smartphone, it makes complete sense for employers to use this technology for rota scheduling and staff management. Suddenly, a clear communications channel exists via app messaging and a shared calendar to make sure that everyone is always up to date.

2. Easy work schedule changes

Shift schedule changes can be cumbersome to administer and keep track of, whether they’re managed via paper forms, email conversations or verbal requests. With the help of a transparent Cloud based HR solution, employees can ask for time off with a simple message, streamlining both the process and record keeping in one unified system.

What’s more, instead of negotiating shift changes with a manager, employees have more freedom to manage their own schedules via shift swaps with their co-workers. The extra flexibility means less miscommunication and fewer dropped shifts, while everyone – staff and management – can see who will be on duty at any given point.


3. Better advance planning

If you are currently publishing work schedules per week, or even by month, this can make it difficult for staff to plan their personal lives simply because they won’t know far enough in advance when they will be expected to be at work. Time scheduling software gets round the problem by enabling you to plan further into the future while keeping everyone concerned in the loop.

This system will be particularly appreciated by employees who have family or other commitments that may clash with a work shift, and reduce the likelihood of any last minute hiccups. Advance work scheduling that is transparent to everyone involved puts the onus on the staff member to make sure they are free to come to work as required.

4. Remote staff management

As a busy manager, especially if you are managing several business locations, you can’t be everywhere at once. Or can you? A major advantage of a mobile app based shift planning system is that it allows you to keep an eye on your employees from wherever you are.

Time clocking software can be operated via a fixed terminal at work, but it can also be enabled for laptops, tablets and smartphones. With the help of location specific time tracking, you can easily check up on your staff’s whereabouts – you know where and when they have clocked in or out just as if you were there in person. There’s nowhere to hide – from staff arriving late, leaving early or working longer hours, the data will speak for itself.


Resource Planning is Key to Environmental Preservation

Protecting the environment is one of the biggest concerns of the 21st Century. Fortunately, there are a lot of small ways that we can make a difference and lower our carbon footprint. Even something as simple as using a better employment scheduling software can make an impact.

yan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance and MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like sustainability, green-business approach and high-tech innovations.


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