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Blue & Green Daily: Monday 19 May headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Political parties on the spot: how do we make democracy sustainable?

Operating in a global context: sustainability in the hospitality sector

Should Scotland be an independent country?

20% of loan ads break rules, says FCA

Co-op members unanimous on group overhaul


19 May headlines

Solar farms ‘set to keep growing’ despite subsidy cuts

The rapid growth of solar farms across Wales will continue despite plans to reduce subsidies in the sector, says an industry expert. More than 20 large fields of panels have opened since August 2011 with 40 more being built or planned. BBC.

Rejected climate science paper contained errors, says publisher

Climate change scientists have reacted angrily to charges that an academic paper was rejected by a peer-reviewed journal because of intolerance of dissenting views. The publisher says the paper was rejected because it contained scientific flaws, and not for any political reasons. Guardian.

Co-op chief warns it will take five years to steady the mutual

The head of the troubled Co-operative Group has warned that it will take five years to stabilise the mutual even after members voted unanimously to support wholesale reform of its failed governance structure. Richard Pennycook, interim chief executive, confirmed the Co-op will prepare sweeping governance reforms. Telegraph.

Call for killing of birds deemed health hazard splits conservationists

A consultation by Natural England, the body that advises the government on the natural environment, has made the case for allowing people to destroy robins’ nests and remove their eggs, amid growing concerns that they threaten health and safety. The organisation is also looking at similar measures to permit “taking, damaging and destroying of nests and eggs” for pied wagtails and starlings. Guardian.

Obama greenhouse gas cit splits power, coal industries

Bracing for greenhouse gas rules from the Obama administration, two industries are staking out different positions. Coal companies are pledging to sue whilst electric utilities are ready to talk. Electric companies say they hope to convince Obama’s aides that cuts in carbon emissions already achieved should count toward the goals in his plan. Bloomberg.


Interesting picks

Can the climate change debate be de-politicised? – Bloomberg

What good are China’s green policies of he banks don’t listen? – Guardian

When money has an impact – Investment News

Climate change is upon us and we must act – Guardian

Rift Widening Between Energy And Insurance Industries Over Climate Change – Forbes

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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