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Blue & Green Daily: Thursday 12 March headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Report: car emissions could be cut by half by 2030 though low-carbon transport

Sustainable policies could support EU economic growth, says report

UK finalists of 2015 Ashden Awards announced



12 March headlines

Boris Johnson told to divest £4.8bn pension fund from fossil fuels

Boris Johnson has been told by the London assembly to pull City Hall’s £4.8 billion pension fund out of coal, oil and gas investments. Guardian.

China eye fundamental shift in energy policy

Like Britain, China’s industrial revolution has been coal-power, but it has been on a scale and speed like noting else in world history, bringing with it serious environmental implications. BBC.


Ultimate cost of Sellafield clean-up ‘cannot be forecast’

The top official at the Energy Department has admitted to not having “general confidence” that the escalating cost of cleaning up the Sellafield nuclear facility can be accurately forecast. Independent.

Dirty downside to driverless cars revealed in study

Driverless cars better be able to refuel themselves after a study found they will consume more energy than cars with drivers, potentially reversing the trend of declining fuel consumption. Bloomberg.



Interesting picks

The current economic development model is defunct – we need to ditch it – Guardian

Climate change puts coffee at risk, EPA chief warns – Washington Times

Have diesel cars been unfairly demonised for air pollution? – Guardian


Photo: KayPat via Freeimages


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