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Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 27 May headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Positive politics for the 21st century

Green deal changes put pressure on carbon reduction

Decentralisation is a question of ‘why?’ not ‘how?’

Government launches consultation to allow freedom to frack on private land


Scotland to consider oil fund if voters say ‘yes’ to independence


27 May headlines

Four in 10 European carmakers set to miss emissions target

Four of Europe’s 10 largest carmakers are set to miss carbon dioxide emission reduction targets, according to a study, leaving them open to fund worth hundreds of millions of euros. General Motors, BMW, Fiat and Hyundai are behind the required reduction rate and are expected to miss a 2021 deadline. Financial Times.


No shale gas potential in Weald basin, conclude British Geological Survey

Government hopes that Britain can emulate the US by starting a shale gas revolution have been knocked back after a long-awaited report unexpectedly concluded there was no potential in fracking for gas in the Weald region of southern England. Guardian.

China to scrap millions of cars to improve air quality

China plans to remove six million vehicles that do not meet exhaust emission standards by the end of the year as a way of improving air quality. Recent findings from the state’s environmental agency showed that 31% of air pollution in capital Beijing comes from vehicle exhaust fumes. BBC.


George Osborne to force banks to promote alternative lenders

The government is preparing to force high street banks to refer small businesses to alterative lenders in landmark legislation to be included in the Queen’s Speech. George Osborne is pushing ahead with plan to introduce the new laws, despite intense opposition from the banks, which aims to break the dominance of traditional banks. Telegraph.


Interesting picks

Climate change is a business problem – Financial Times


This fracking zeal overshadows the perfect energy solution – solar – Guardian

‘Sustainability’ move into mainstream as ‘profits with principles and less risk’ – Forbes

Climate change: ‘Media needs to step up to teach people about environment issues’ – The Tribune

Photo: Sanja gjenero via Freeimages


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