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Lower Your Carbon Footprint with a Backyard Climbing Frame

Shutterstock Photo License - Joaquin Corbalan P



MIT Technology Review recently published a post on the countries most to blame for climate change. The United States created over 5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions last year, which is a very worrying figure. Parents need to do their part to lower their family’s carbon footprint.

As we stated in the past, there are a lot of things that you can do to lower your family’s carbon footprint. We have mentioned that it is a good idea to invest in renewable energy and insulate your home to improve energy efficiency. You can also purchase a hybrid vehicle to minimize your carbon footprint when driving.

However, there are other steps that you will need to take when you are trying to be eco-friendlier. You may want to find new hobbies for your children that don’t require them to use a lot of electricity or increase their carbon footprint in other ways. For example, spending time on the Internet is not as eco-friendly as you may think. Therefore, you may want to limit your child’s smartphone use to curb their carbon footprint.

You can encourage your family to be eco-friendlier by having your children spend more time outdoors. One way to do so is by building an outdoor climbing frame.


Lower Your Family’s Carbon Footprint by Encouraging Your Children to Use an Outdoor Climbing Frame

Are you thinking about enhancing your child’s garden experience at home by installing an exciting new climbing frame? It can be a little confusing choosing the right product, especially since it is such a big decision that ultimately has the potential to totally transform your outdoor space and how your children interact with it.

However, an outdoor climbing frame can be a good way to lower your carbon footprint and help your children stay healthy playing outside. Below, we are going to take a look at all the aspects of climbing frames to consider, as you make that all important decision on which is the right climbing frame for your family. Let’s take a closer look at how to pick the perfect climbing frame for your backyard:

Sustainable Materials

You should always look at the materials used in any piece of equipment before purchasing it. You want to find a climbing frame made from eco-friendly materials. Wood and stone are better for the planet than most plastics. You also want to make sure that the climbing frame is made with durable materials, because it will have a smaller environmental impact if it doesn’t have to be replaced.

Maintenance Levels

You can (and should) have a professional company carry out compliance checks and maintenance on your backyard climbing frame. You’re not an educational facility, but it is important to maintain your equipment to the standard you would expect a public playground or school playground to be maintained. In Between the visits from your chosen professional maintenance team, you need to be willing to do daily checks of the equipment before it is used. This will include visual checks, physical checks, and other actions just to make sure everything is as it should be, following any additional safety check advice of the supplier, too. The more complex the climbing frame, the more complex the checks, so it’s important to keep that in mind. They are minimal commitment once installed, but there is still some maintenance to be aware of.


Children’s Ages & Abilities

Because the climbing frame is a substantial piece of garden furniture, you will likely want it to be age-appropriate but with the ability for your kids to get use out of for a few years. The best thing to do is seek the advice of what is suitable (and for how long) from the equipment company in regards to safety, and then make a selection based on your family play dynamics.

Some families would prefer something which is predominantly based on climbing, with climbing walls, ropes and nets etc. Some families would benefit more from a product with slides and swings. It’s down to the taste of the family and ultimately there are so many choices, there’s always something to suit every household.


Some climbing frames are freestanding, and some are installed into the ground. Some climbing frames come with a recommendation of surfacing underneath for safety, and for other frames this isn’t necessary. The surfacing you have, are willing to have, or need for your choice of frame may impact the designs available to you, so it’s worth checking with the playground equipment company before making a selection.


Climbing frames come in all kinds of designs, but most are a natural, attractive wood aesthetic to fit in with outdoor surroundings, and to fit in with any outdoor playground design. However, some do have colourful elements to them, such as a brightly coloured slide or coloured metal components. Some are themed like pirate ships or castles, too.


Choose an aesthetic that will suit your children for a while (rather than a phase of interest they are going through), and one that you’re happy having in your garden. It’s certainly about substance over style, but ultimately, with such a wide range of designs available you can usually find a piece that fits the bill in both those areas.

Always Choose High-Quality

When it comes to choosing something like play equipment, it’s important to buy the highest quality you can afford. High quality means the frame is strong, durable, stable and likely (with the right maintenance) to last a very long time. At the very least, do buy items that are made to meet the latest safety standards and guidelines.A legitimate provider of climbing frames will be more than happy to explain the safety of their products with you for further guidance and reassurance. If you’re ever not sure a product is as safe as it should be, or that the company doesn’t put much pride in their safety standards, move to a new company – you can’t put a price on child safety.


There is a climbing frame to suit all budgets, and by investing in a high-quality, durable piece, you’re also going to get much more wear out of it than with something badly and cheaply made. Overall, though, the more complex and large a structure, the more expensive it will be. If you have a budget in mind, it’s also important to include the cost of delivery and installation, and the cost of regular safety checks. A great playground equipment company will provide you with a transparent quote for a total package, and for ongoing compliance checks (at your request), so you know the total cost, not just the cost of the item alone.


You’ll need to consider the space not only for the frame footprint, but for the recommended space around it. This is space that has to be around the frame so that if a child does fall from it, they won’t fall onto or into surrounding obstacles like fencing. Compact spaces can usually accommodate a climbing frame regardless, but with less space available, your choices could be limited overall, particularly keeping the overall item footprint and clearance considerations in mind.


Which Climbing Frame Will Your Family Choose?

There are many different climbing frame designs to choose from, all with their own special benefits and exciting features.

With a little consideration and lots of guidance from a professional, trusted playground equipment company, you’re sure to get the perfect climbing frame for your backyard.

An Outdoor Climbing Frame Can Lower Your Carbon Footprint

You can considerably lower your family’s carbon footprint by investing in an outdoor climbing frame. This will keep you from having to travel to nearby playgrounds or let your kid use electronic devices that use environmentally damaging energy.


Becca Stickler is a freelance writer with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly living.


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