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10 Pieces of Survival Gear For Ecotourists

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We have talked a lot about the benefits of ecotourism. Unfortunately, some of the parts of the world that you want to travel to when you are concerned about sustainable living aren’t always safe. You are going to need to make sure that you are properly equipped for your next green tourism excursion with the best survival gear for ecotourists.

The Best Survival Gear for Living a Green Life

The ultimate survival gear to a survivor can be compared to what water is to fish. You can only make it a few days without these items. In extreme conditions, surviving for even a few hours would be a gift from your guardian angel.

Packing essential supplies to provide for your personal needs will give you the confidence that you’ll be able to survive in the event you are caught up in an emergency. What if an emergency fails to occur? No problem because you can use some of the survival gear for recreational purposes.

Here is a guide to the ultimate survival gear. Consider packaging these 10 pieces of gear that will save your life in the case of emergency.


1. Water Purification and Filtration Gear

Water is the most crucial item. You will need it in almost all survival situations. Without clean and safe drinking water, dehydration kicks in after just a few hours of exposure to hot sun. Therefore, your ultimate survival kit must include enough water for the time you’ll spend outdoors.

A better alternative would be to pack a gear that can turn murky and dirty water into a clean, safe and thirst-quenching water. Mini water-filter and water purification tablets are great choices because they will offer you more than enough water both for drinking and other uses.

2. Survival Shelter

Shelter is at times even more important than water. In extreme weather conditions, you will need to make a shelter your priority. Besides having the necessary skills to build one, you might also need to pack life saving shelter gear.

Consider carrying a survival tarp. The tarp should be high-quality, rugged and waterproof. Pick one made from ripstop fabric that has enough anchor points. The tarp should allow you to structure different shelter setups. Such will let you keep rain, wind, sleet as well as snow away from you.


A tarp may not be ideal in cold environments. In this case, aim to pack a canvas or cold weather tent. The problem is such cold weather shelter gears may be quite heavy (up to 10 pounds). However, they are excellent when it comes to keeping you warm, safe and alive even in the most severe conditions.

3. Survival Food

You can survive in the wilderness for several days without food. But, can you perform optimally on an empty stomach? Food gives us the energy not only for physical but also mental performance. Your ultimate survival gear should include enough rations to last you the time of emergency.

Carry some non-perishable, ready to eat and easy to prepare survival foods such as meat bars. Most of these survival foods are energy-rich to provide you with enough calories. Pack foods that are long-lasting, nutrient-dense and flexible. Choose foods you love to eat and those that do not need cooking.

You also need to master the skill of finding food in the great outdoors. Getting dinner in the wilderness depends on where the emergency finds you. Know edible fruits and herbs that can save your life. Also, learn how to kill consumable games and how to dress them.


4. A Survival Knife

A knife is a multi-tool. It will help you do many things thereby eliminating the need for you to pack specialty tools for such tasks. Use it to cut a rope, open food cans and packages, build shelter, and start a fire. It also works great as an improvised First Aid tool. The knife can also help you hunt, forage for food and prepare game.

A good survival knife should be durable, sturdy and sharp. These features fit fixed blade survival knives which are often better than the folding-blade models when it comes to a survival situation. It should neither too small nor too heavy.

5. First Aid Kit

A First Aid Kit can save your life in emergencies. It can change a life-threatening emergency into a minor setback. You can stumble and fall. Stings from a wild fly or the bite of a wild animal are all sources of injury in the wilderness.

Since you also want to limit the weight of your survival backpack, look for a small First Aid Kit. Alternatively, you can pick a few First Aid items that help with stopping bleeding, dressing open woods, managing pain and mobilizing a limb among others.


6. Fire-Making Equipment

Fire keeps you warm and assists you in cooking. Besides, the fire can keep away wild animals from your coming near the shelter. The best fire-starting gear should help you light your fire in all conditions.  At the very least, pack matches and lighters. Aim for storm-proof matches.

Certain innovative fire-starting items are currently available to help you with this. They are even more compact and convenient. These include firelaces and fire striker. Apart from the sparks and the flames, you will need something to fan the flame. A tinderbox would be a good gear to carry.

7. A Cord or Rope

A rope or a cord is an essential survival gear that can prove a life-saver in emergency cases. You would need it to construct a shelter if you did not carry one. A paracord (parachute cord) is ideal because it is durable, robust, flexible and lightweight. Besides building a shelter, a rope or cord can help you climb up a steep elevation, set a trap for a game and repair your tent if torn.

8. Signaling and Communication Devices

Sometimes, you may find it difficult to solve your emergency without help. That’s where you’ll make use of a signaling device. Your life could depend on someone coming to your rescue immediately. Pack a survival whistle or signal mirror. Learn how to use them in a way that emergency crews can understand and respond.


Pack some communication device in addition to a signaling device. A survival radio or a Walkie-Talkie is better than your regular cell-phone when you need to communicate in an emergency. Learn how to use these devices appropriately to prevent any complications that may arise when you need to communicate.

9. Tactical Flashlight

You may not know with certainty how long the emergency will last. If it stretches to the night, you will need something to illuminate your way in the darkness. A tactical flashlight will help you move in the night and dark places. A flashlight can also startle a criminal who intends to harm you giving you a way out or give you an advantage over him/her.

Other great alternatives are survival headlamp and survival lanterns. Survival headlamps are better than tactical flashlights and survival lanterns. They provide you with portable, hands-free and focused illumination. This means better control and flexibility to perform other tasks.

10. Compass and a Map

A compass is an incredibly important type of survival gear in a life-threatening emergency. Imagine what would happen if you have no idea of your position relative to your surroundings. You could easily wonder even deeper into the wilderness. Pack a good quality compass and learn how to read it correctly.


Couple the compass with a map and you will easily find your way back to familiar territories. You must have expertise in reading the map with accuracy. A global positioning system (GPS) could also be a good alternative if you cannot use a map and a compass.

Choosing the Best Gear for Your Trip as an Ecotourist

Where are you planning on going for your next trip? You can’t assume that it will be safe, just because the destination is known for being green. You still need to prepare yourself for any safety risks that you might face.

An important final thought to remember is that you can easily turn dreadful and life-threatening emergencies into simple and minor setbacks if you have the ultimate survival gear. These 10 pieces of equipment can save your life and the life of your loved ones if you remember to pack them in your survival backpack. Ardent survivors know this, and that explains their confidence and success. Consider each piece of gear described here. You will notice how important the items are in abating emergencies. You can add other things you deem vital.


Becca Stickler is a freelance writer with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly living.


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