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Is Your Retirement Money Funding Deforestation?



A message from the people at As You Sow:

Is your retirement money invested in rainforest destruction? And if it is, do you want it to be?

Join Friends of the Earth and As You Sow for a special online session to learn about how YOU can take action to get your money out of the palm oil that is destroying the rainforest!

Join our webinar on October 27th to learn about palm oil-driven deforestation. We’ll walk you through our online tool to help you align your investments with your values!

What: Deforestation Free Funds: How to get your money out of tropical forest destruction
When: Thursday, October 27th at 8:00pm ET/5:00pm PT
Where: Your computer or phone


Click here to sign up!


The palm oil industry hurts people, endangered species, and the planet.

The Indonesian forest fires in 2015 released more climate pollution than the entire U.S. economy – and most of it is tied to the expansion of the palm oil industry. Those same fires caused upwards of 100,000 premature deaths. And now, palm oil expansion has put orangutans in danger of extinction.

Americans have over $4 trillion invested through 401k retirement funds – and that includes billions of dollars in the very palm oil companies that are destroying tropical forests and devastating the climate.


If you want to be part of the solution to rainforest destruction, don’t miss this special online session!

This isn’t just about what’s right for the rainforest – it’s about what’s right for your investments, too. As the impacts of rainforest destruction on the climate become more and more clear, investments in destructive palm oil companies will carry more and more financial risk.

Already, many consumer brands are making efforts to drop palm oil producers that destroy forests and violate human rights, and the market is stepping up and demanding better practices. By bringing more transparency to the palm oil producers, consumer brands, and lenders within the chain of destruction, we shine a light that helps investors make informed decisions.

Our online tool, Deforestation Free Funds, empowers you to know exactly what you own. It will show you if your savings are invested in dirty palm oil. And it will give you the tools you need to pressure fund managers to implement sustainable investment policies, and to find investment options that support a forest-friendly future. We’ll walk you through the tool and give you the resources you need to take action.


Join our online session on October 27th to learn how to get your money out of rainforest destruction!

Hope to see you there!
Andrew, Sarah, and the Fossil Free Funds team


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