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Responsible investment talk to be held in Edinburgh on Monday



Edinburgh City Council is hosting an event tonight focused on socially responsible investment (SRI) named ‘Responsible Investment – Lessons from Denmark’ to support ethical investment among Scottish pension funds.

The talk is organised by Councillor Jim Orr in association with Nordic Horizons. Speakers include Zaiga Strautmane, head of ESG at UniPension in Denmark and Marianne Harper Gow, head of corporate governance at Baillie Gifford, an Edinburgh-based investment management firm.

The event hopes to shed light on growth margins of the responsible investment market for pension funds in Scotland.

Orr said, “I’m looking forward to learning more about Unipension’s approach to responsible investment which I understand involves screening out businesses and sectors considered to be irresponsible or unethical and working with others to improve behaviour.  So they are interested in much more than the bottom line. 

“Here in Scotland, the ethics of our financial services industry are under scrutiny as never before and few of us want our pensions or investments to damage the environment, or support the production of weapons that hurt civilians, or even encourage smoking.  This is a great opportunity to learn from our Scandinavian neighbours and I’m delighted that Nordic Horizons are supporting the event.”


Edinburgh will also host the Global Ethical Finance Forum in September – an initiative aimed at gathering players in the ethical finance sector and developing common practices and standards for the industry.

The event – held at the City Chambers in Edinburgh – is free and tickets can be booked here.

Photo: margaretsdad via Flickr

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Further reading:

Danish pension savers vote on fossil fuel divestment

Denmark, Sweden and UK top Climate Change Performance Index

CLEAR Info project promotes sustainable investment


Edinburgh to host the Global Ethical Finance Forum in September

Investment platform Ethex wins Sustainable Finance award


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