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Transparency Task Force announce ShareAction Chief Executive as Ambassador



The Transparency Task Force have appointed the Chief Executive of ShareAction as its Ambassador. The Transparency Task Force is campaigning for greater transparency in financial services around the world. Catherine Howarth was announced as the Transparency Task Force’s Ambassador last week.

The Transparency Task Force (TTF) is an organisation dedicated to driving up the levels of transparency in financial services around the world. The TTF believes that higher levels of transparency are a required for financial service markets to be fairer, safer, more efficient and more likely to deliver better value-for-money.

Catherine Howarth, Chief Executive of ShareAction, said: “I am delighted to be an Ambassador for the Transparency Task Force, which is a new and already very dynamic force in the UK’s investment sector.

“The genius of the Task Force is its ability to bring together experienced investment industry professionals who have a deep conviction about putting customer interests first. These people understand what needs to be done to restore public trust in the investment industry, and they are determined to make it happen so that savers at large and ultimately the industry itself prosper in the long-term.  

“ShareAction has long campaigned for greater transparency about what happens to pension savers’ assets. We are pleased to be joining forces with the Transparency Task Force and look forward to making a big impact together in the months ahead.”


ShareAction is a UK charity that promotes responsible investment by pension funds and other institutional investors. They make investment to serve savers and communities and protect the environment for the long-term.

Andy Agathangelou, Founding Chair of the Transparency Task Force, added: “I have admired ShareAction’s work for years. Our two organisations are naturally aligned on some very important issues, particularly the call for greater transparency in pensions – you’ve only got to think about the trouble MPs have been having getting disclosure on their own pension scheme assets to see that the status quo is simply unacceptable, on so many levels.

“By working together we’ll maximise our impact and help pension scheme members get the transparency they deserve. All progressive industry bodies should unite around this cause and consider our joint announcement as a clarion call to do so.”


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