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Snow Leopards Seen With Quadruplets! Snow Leopards Seen With Quadruplets!


Snow Leopards Seen With Quadruplets!



Rebecca May, WWF-UK’s Snow Leopard Programme Lead,  has commented on the joint WWF-TRAFFIC report An Ounce of Prevention: Snow leopard crime revisited.

“The astonishing citing of a mother with quadruplet cubs seen in the video captures the beauty of these mystical creatures. With between 4,000 and 6,500 snow leopards estimated to be living in the wild, to see footage of snow leopards is truly astonishing, especially one with 4 cubs!

Living in an incredibly harsh landscape these hardy cats are threatened by poaching, human wildlife conflict and loss of living space

Living in an incredibly harsh landscape these hardy cats are threatened by poaching, human wildlife conflict and loss of living space. In fact WWF and TRAFFIC released a report earlier this year which showed that hundreds of snow leopards are killed each year.

It is vital that governments, communities and organisations across all 12 snow leopard range countries, take action to halt human-wildlife conflict, as well as poaching and trade in snow leopard parts.”

For footage of this astonishing event, click here


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