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Just five days left to support sustainable democracy campaign



There are just five days to support Vote for Policies crowdfunding campaign to raise money and develop a service that aims to make democracy more sustainable and inclusive. So far the campaign has raised £14,542 of the £20,000 target.

Vote for Policies argues that people are left confused and unengaged with politics because they are turned off by the spin and bias. Instead, the organisation advocates focusing on manifestos and the policies within them.

However, many manifestos are difficult for the electorate to find and are often vague. This is where the Vote for Policies service aims to provide a solution. Users of the service are presented with the policies of different parties, allowing them to select the one they agree most with and see which political party has values and priorities that most closely align with their own.

The organisation is calling for people to pledge some of their money to allow them to reach millions and help voters make an informed decision in the next general election in 2015.

Setting out what the funds would be for, Matt Chocqueel-Mangan, founder of Vote for Policies, explains, that in the run up to the last general election there were technical issues from high demand. As a result, the focus in placed on ensuring that the site can handle large peaks of traffic and reach as many people as possible.


The ambition to reach more people also include enhancing the service so it will work on mobile and tablet devices and incorporating main parties from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

To support Vote for Policies and their aims click here.

Photo: yarranz via Freeimages 

Further reading:

Sustainable democracy crowdfunding campaign reaches half way point


Vote for Policies crowdfunding to support ‘sustainable democracy’

Voting for the next 60 years: Vote for Policies

If we voted for policies at elections, and not parties, the results might surprise us all

Vote for Policies launches crowdfunding campaign to back sustainable democracy


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