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6 Wonderful Sustainability Lessons From Amazon Worth Knowing

Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By Julie Clopper



Environmentalism is a major concern in our capitalist systems. Many companies are finally starting to appreciate the benefits are starting to explore the benefits of going green.

There has been a huge topic of debate over the last few years about the best ways to preserve the environment. A number of factories contributed to the concern. One of the biggest was the Gulf Oil Spill of 2010. Fears of global warming are also a concern.

Companies have started taking new measures to go green. A couple of years ago, Amazon announced several steps they started taking to go green. These include adding solar panels on the top of distribution centers.

There are numerous ways that other big companies have started to go green as well. It is essential for all business owners to consider their own carbon footprint. Here are a few ways that a company can be eco-friendlier. This can be a big deal for companies’ bottom lines, especially if they cater to young adults. One poll showed 73% of millennials are willing to pay more for greener products.


Here are some steps that companies can take to go green.

Going Paperless

One of the easiest ways businesses can reduce their environmental impact is by going paperless. Taking this step will drastically cut down on paper consumption. Additionally, this can eliminate paper and printing costs and improve the way in which businesses store their documents. A technology-based service like what is available from places like Interim Partners can help a business to reduce paper waste to measure success.

Solar Energy

Switching to solar energy is a superb way to reduce energy consumption. More and more businesses are looking into solar as an option, which is great news. The installation can be expensive but you could make huge savings on your energy bill in the long run. The U.S. Green Building Council says that they are one of the best renewable energy options. You can even get 30% of your initial investment back from green energy credits.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

You can also conserve energy and reduce your utility bills by using energy-efficient appliances and lightbulbs. Additionally, make sure that staff turn off devices when not in use and only use them when needed.


Sustainable Procurement

Another effective method involves looking at the suppliers that a company uses to see if they are environmentally-friendly. If not, you can look into sourcing from local companies or only using suppliers that work in an environmentally-friendly manner. You may also find this is a good way to reduce costs.

Increase Recycling

An average-sized business will go through an enormous amount of materials over the course of the year. You need to make sure that you are recycling what can be recycled so putting clearly marked bins in the office and educating staff is vital.

Encourage Cycling to Work or Carpools

It is also worth encouraging and rewarding staff for cycling or walking to work where possible, or alternatively organizing a carpool if the office is in a hard to reach area. Walking or cycling is best and this can also bring a host of health benefits so it is certainly worth considering. The Eco Guide reports that car pooling can reduce our carbon footprint from driving by as much as 20%!

Here’s what the Eco Guide has to say:


“Today, car-sharing, alternatively known as carpooling or covoiturage, not only reduces carbon-emissions, traffic congestion and air pollution, but also rekindles our connection with other human beings, a link which is slowly becoming extinct. The average American spends 400 hours a year commuting to work, very often alone. If everybody in the States opted to carshare just one day a week, not only would social cohesion improve, but traffic on the nation’s roads could be reduced as much as 20%.”

Conclusion: Make Environmentalism A Priority for Your Company

These are the main methods that a company can reduce its carbon footprint. There are always ways that a business can be more eco-friendly and this is particularly important in the current situation where environmental damage is a huge topic in the news. Try a few of the above to significantly reduce your carbon footprint and you may also find that you are able to reduce business costs without impacting the quality of the product/service that you provide to customers.

yan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance and MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like sustainability, green-business approach and high-tech innovations.


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