A report by oil giant BP has revealed how coal still takes up a 30% slice of the global energy market – its highest contribution in...
In the wake of the publication of the draft energy bill by the Government today, issues surrounding consumer bill prices and climate targets have been raised....
The carbon reduction role of local authorities across the UK has been highlighted as decisive to cutting national emissions, in a new report by the Government’s...
The United Kingdom Without Incineration Network (UKWIN) is working towards the illegalisation of incinerators, but why? Picture this, you and your family are spending your summer...
Introductory “remarks” made by Prime Minister David Cameron at the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in London this morning failed to deliver the strong governmental strategy for...
A new poll by Friends of the Earth claims that 85% of Britons would prefer the governmental emphasis to be on clean energy, as opposed to...
The fracking industry has received an unwelcome boost after publication of a report that includes measures to control its negative impact. The independent study, conducted on...
A Friends of the Earth report has highlighted the lack of action taken by the Government in the past year to decrease the environmental impact of...
RWE and E.ON have pulled out of a joint nuclear power venture on “strategic grounds” that would have seen them install six gigawatts (GW) of reactors...