Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green...
The four largest banks in Australia have been accused of backing companies involved in land grabbing, leaving people homeless around the world. The accusations follow similar...
The Anglo-Australian mining firm Rio Tinto has come up against strong criticism from its shareholders and campaigners at its annual general meeting (AGM), who have accused...
World leaders have pledged to fight global hunger and malnutrition, signing an agreement on the same day that campaigners flocked to an anti-hunger rally in London....
The House of Commons international development committee has called on Britons to tackle food waste and eat less meat, and suggested regulation over agriculturally produced biofuels...
A judge is considering rejecting a deal that would open HSBC up to criminal prosecution in court, prison for executives, massive fines and no freedom to...
Friends of the Earth has claimed that two high street banks are funding a palm oil company involved in land grabbing activities in Uganda, violating environmental...
Land grabbing by two large Vietnamese firms has driven communities in Laos and Cambodia off their land and forced people to work on rubber plantations, according...
Friends of the Earth is running an ethical pension campaign to encourage investors to ask their providers if they invest in land grabbing activities. Emma Websdale...
A new report suggests that land grabbing – which involves buying out huge plots of land for the extraction of resources, usually in developing countries –...
A report led by the Gaia Foundation claims that the world is edging towards destruction because of a current trend in land grabbing for mining. Land...