The first budget of India’s newly elected government has put aside considerable sums of money to promote renewable energy and tackle climate change. Prime minister Narendra...
The Scottish government has announced they will be awarding the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) programme £2.2 million, to help make clean energy developments cheaper. The OWA...
The UK must rethink its approach to food and farming to tackle the related challenges of food poverty, obesity and environmental sustainability, according to a new...
A new study by the EU’s Joint Research Centre has found that if global temperatures increase by 3.5C climate change damages by 2080 could be in...
Starting construction last week and with a total cost of £185 million, doubts have now emerged regarding the effectiveness of a frozen barrier in containing thousands...
Mitigating the impact of the dredging project in Abbott Point on the Australian Great Barrier Reef could be much more expensive than what the project developer...
The Landworkers’ Alliance (LWA) joined more than 50 groups to protest against the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Saturday. Protests took place all...
The UK cannot expand its airport capacity with a new runway if the government is to meet its climate change targets, according to two new reports...
Rupert Murdoch, the owner of News Corporation, in an interview marking the 50th anniversary of his newspaper the Australian, described the effects of climate change as...
Mike Mompi of ClearlySo writes how social impact investment might just be making its way into the mainstream. In early July, I was fortunate enough to attend...
Solar farms across the UK opened their doors to the public on July 4 as part of Solar Independence Day. Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Jemma Collins...
Two leading scientists on the subject of plastic in the marine environment have called for urgent action to “turn off the tap” and divert plastic waste...
The US has taken steps to protect the endangered loggerhead sea turtle by making almost half of the beaches used by the species a designated critical...
This week on Blue & Green Tomorrow, Richard Essex explored how you can invest positively and feel good about it and how the sustainable investor is...
Virgin’s patron Richard Branson has given up eating beef as part of personal commitment to reduce his environmental footprint, as red meat is one of the...