It is time to update our transport system to one that is fit for the 21st century. Please welcome, The Guide to Sustainable Transport 2014. The...
The Environment Agency has confirmed that a total of 86 flood warnings, two of them severe, remain across southern and central England, as the extreme weather...
California is experiencing its worst drought in a century, which is putting at risk the survival of many species and damaging the economy. Experts have warned...
The number of business customers switching their energy supplier is up by a third, according to figures released by a price comparison service on Tuesday. Make...
Following the 2008 financial crash, there have been calls for a radical restructuring of the economy. But just how should this new system be organised? Nicky...
A survey of common UK butterfly species has found that many have thrived as a result of the sunny and warm 2013 summer – after a...
The UK has been ranked among the countries where flooding poses the greatest risk to their economic output, according to new research. The findings come after...
This week, the global oil and gas industry is celebrating International Petroleum Week (IPW) – an “annual thought-leadership event for influencers and decision-makers from the oil...
Experts have said that national governments should urgently change the way minerals are extracted from seabeds, in order to do it responsibly and avoid the destruction...
The UK floods prove we should move beyond emergency response and build institutions and infrastructure to create enduring resilience across all social groups, says Clare Downing. If...
Sinkholes have been appearing all over the UK – in places like North Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, Kent and Buckinghamshire. But is the recent bad weather to blame?...
A new study has suggested that Arctic ice reflects less sun heat back into the atmosphere because of an increase in melted sea ice and that...
Residents living in flooded areas of the UK have been warned to expect water levels to rise further in the next few days, as more heavy...
Jeremy Leggett is a leading advocate of clean energy. At a recent Forum for the Future event, he gave an impassioned call to arms for renewables....
BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has slowed down the heartbeats of tuna fish, which in some cases had led to cardiac arrest...