Given the scale of the problems the world faces, can we be optimistic about a future with sustainability at its core? In their first entry of...
Swiss sustainability rating agency Inrate has released a new index that ranks Stoxx Europe 50 companies on their environmental and social performances. Companies from the clothing,...
New research has suggested that ambitious emissions reduction targets are needed now in order to make an impact and slow the pace of climate change. The...
The UN Environment Programme’s director has called on the private sector and civil society to join forces in the name of sustainability, as climate change negotiations...
Just 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of manmade greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report. This includes investor-owned companies such as BP, Royal Dutch...
The long-running BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who celebrates its 50th anniversary on Saturday. Mark Wilson, a history PhD student at Northumbria University, draws parallels between a 1964 episode and Silent...
The World Bank, together with the UK, US and Norway, has launched a new BioCarbon Fund initiative to slow down deforestation through sustainable farming and landscape...
Fifty years ago today in Dallas, Texas, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, was assassinated. His murder shook the world. Whatever his qualities as...
This week’s featured TED talk sees ecologist Greg Asner, who leads the Carnegie Airborne Observatory project, tell us about the fascinating, high-tech system he uses to map...
New roads and housing developments require “trade-offs” between economic and environmental benefits, the environment secretary Owen Paterson has said. Biodiversity offsetting – where infrastructure developers commit...
As crucial UN climate talks in Warsaw reach their 10th and penultimate day, hundreds of environmental activists have announced they are walking out of the negotiations...
The government has announced the creation of 27 marine conservation zones (MCZs) around the English coasts, falling far short of the 127 reserves recommended by the...
Prince Charles has spoken out about his concerns around climate change action and warned that natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan will become more frequent. Speaking at...
A new report has suggested that toxic waste poses a “major threat” to the health of more than 200 million people in low and medium income...
Unless you have a good set of instructions to follow, the end result will often never be as good as you’d hoped for or often not...