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Ashden Awards finalists: Enistic



On June 11 the success of the renewable energy industry will be celebrated at the Ashden Awards. We asked this year’s finalists to tell us about them, their achievements and the changes they would like to see. Here we take a look at Enistic.

Tell us who you are? 

Enistic is the market leader for Energy Management solutions. Enistic’s Easy ESOS scheme offers a stress-free route to guaranteed compliance.

What does your company or organisation do?

Enistic provides the hardware and software needed to help organisations identify and monitor energy consumption.  Accurate measurement is the essential first step for anyone who wants to make energy savings. We are then able to target the opportunities for making savings and identify which would be the most effective, how much energy could be saved, and assist with implementation to realise those savings. Our expertise in the field of energy management has made us market leaders in providing ESOS compliance for companies, and out Easy ESOS scheme offers businesses a simple and guaranteed route to compliance by the deadline of 5 December.


Enistic provides hardware, ie data loggers, monitors, sensors and controllers, as well as our new IPAD app, and our Juno and Plato software, that is needed to handle the data and provide energy consumption in real-time for instant as well as long-term analysis.

Give us some bullets on achievements, lives affected, emissions reduced, etc.

Typically our energy monitoring and targeting can identify energy savings of 25-45% but sometimes even more. One school we are working with has achieved an average of 65% and others have achieved savings which run into hundreds of thousands of pounds. These savings go straight to the bottom line and improve profitability.

What would winning an Ashden Award mean to you?


Winning an award would mean a huge amount to us. It would bring wider recognition and validation of our success, plus it would be a big boost for our hard-working team.

If you were in charge globally for one day, what one sustainable change would you make?

I’d get everyone to install some sub-metering, take a look at what they are doing and fix the simple things that everyday wastes a huge amount of energy.

Photo: Ashden


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Further reading:

UK finalists of 2015 Ashden Awards announced

2015 International Ashden Awards shortlist unveiled


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