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If you are not reading The Winning of the Carbon War by Jeremy Leggett you should be



From the book’s website; “Humanity is in a race, a kind of civil war. In ‘The Winning of The Carbon War’ Jeremy Leggett documents the political battles being fought on the front lines of climate and clean energy policy. This unique, first hand diary covering events from 2013 to the present day, reveals how the tide is turning against ‘big energy’ and how humanity might just win ‘The Carbon War’.”

The latest edition of Jeremy’s serialised book is ready for download. What others are saying about “The Winning of The Carbon War” (quotes from the books website):

Tom Carnac, Senior Advisor To The Executive Secretary Of The UNFCCC: “If you are interested in @COP21 and are not reading Winning the Carbon War by @JeremyLeggett you should be.”

Josh Fox, Emmy-Winning Film Director: “This is one of the first books on climate change that I truly could not put down. A brilliant page turner, alternately daringly funny, coldly sobering, starkly terrifying. A deeply rewarding look into the most significant problem we face today – poetic, personal, beautiful and intensely urgent. If you want to understand why fossil fuels may not just tank the environment but might also bring down the world economy, read this book, and – for all of our sakes – read it fast.”

Sami Grover, Writer, And Creative Director, The Change Creation: On Treehugger.Com “Leggett has a unique vantage point that he shares frankly, openly and with candid humor and humility. I don’t tend to gush about books on climate politics, but I can’t recommend this resource highly enough. I’ve been eagerly reading what actually comes across as a thriller ….and can’t even begin to list all the insights gleaned so far.”


Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group: “Given how vital developments in energy and climate will be for the future global economy, a front-line chronicle of events as they unfold in the make-or-break year ahead promises to be fascinating. With a past in oil and gas, a present in solar and finance, and two decades of climate campaigning along the way, we can rely on Jeremy Leggett to provide an interesting and insightful perspective.”

Mark Lewis, Senior Analyst, Kepler Cheuvreux: “In all my years as an energy analyst in investment banking, I have rarely encountered an entrepreneur with the factual grounding Jeremy Leggett has across the full spectrum of the energy and climate space.  From his beginnings in the oil industry to his leadership in campaigning for new clean, green energy, he has a vital message that deserves as wide an audience as possible.  We see the signs of what he has predicted beginning to unfurl around us with severe ramifications for the future of the oil industry and fossil fuels.”

Bill Mckibben, Founder, 350.Org: “Jeremy Leggett has been right about climate change longer than just about anyone, and he’s consistently thought of innovative ways to get the message across–here’s one more powerful medium for helping spread the most important message ever.”

Caroline Lucas, MP: “One of the crucial themes in Jeremy Leggett’s narrative is shale, on both sides of the Atlantic. As a long-time opponent of fracking, it is fascinating for me to read Jeremy¹s perspectives, particularly given his past life in the oil industry where he has researched shale funded by both BP and Shell – and his current generous sharing of his expertise with British parliamentarians of all political parties.”


The latest edition of Jeremy’s serialised book is ready for download.


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