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Rushlight Show 2016



The Rushlight Show 2016 wil take place at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London on Thursday 28 January 2016. The Show, now in its 7th year, has over 100 cleantech companies of all stages of development represented by their senior management; investors and financiers; sustainability professionals from major corporates and key intermediaries all registered.  This event, sponsored by Venner Shipley, Atkins and The Knowledge Transfer Network and with over 300 already registered, provides valuable opportunities to engage with and to announce your interest in the sector.  It incorporates the following:

  1. An Exhibition of the latest innovations in cleantech, including a number of entrants of the Rushlight Awards, with over 40 organisations represented..
  2. The Funding Cleantech Conference, which covers the new £250,000 investment prize for the winner of the Future of the Smart Home competition backed by Ariadne Capital, grants, DECC’s innovation funding, London’s only dedicated cleantech incubator, Innovate UK funding and other aspects of funding cleantech companies, our new Crowdfunding Session, and a range of cleantech companies presenting their companies to expert panels of active cleantech investors.
  3. The Resourceful Conference, kindly supported by the KTN and in association with LCRN, which focuses on the development of maintenance and repair, reuse, sharing, renting, remanufacture and activities and collaborations in that area, with direct input from over 20 of the leading participants from local authorities, companies, waste operators, government departments, community schemes and investors.
  4. The Sustainable Solutions Market Panel, where cleantech companies present their products and services directly to a panel of leading sustainability and procurement representatives from Tesco, Interserve, Premier Farnell, Canary Wharf Group, Diocese of London, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Heathrow Airport Ltd.
  5. UK Energy breakfast seminar, kindly sponsored and supported by Atkins, setting out an analysis of the current economics for all the different sources of power generation, with and without subsidies, and then a presentation of the UK Energy Market Strategy by Jeremy Pocklington, now Director General Markets & Infrastructure at DECC having spent the last 3 years at HM Treasury.   This is a must attend event for anyone with an interest in UK power generation and the energy market.

In addition to the 100 cleantech businesses attending, there are a number presenting to investors and to the following impressive panel of major corporate sustainability customers:

  • David Ferroussat, Head of Infrastructure Procurement, Heathrow Airport Ltd
  • Ian Sorensen, Group Head of Consumables and Waste & Recycling Procurement, Tesco PLC
  • Alexandra Hammond, Sustainability Director, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
  • Brian Cuthbertson, Head of Environment & Sustainability, Diocese of London
  • Mat Roberts, Sustainability Strategy Director, Interserve
  • Steven Webb, Head of CSR, Premier Farnell
  • Martin Gettings, Group Sustainability Manager, Canary Wharf Group plc

We are very fortunate to have some other leading individuals involved this year, including:

  1. Julie Hill, Green Alliance and Chair of WRAP
  2. Jeremy Pocklington, Director General  Markets & Infrastructure, DECC
  3. Philip New, Chief Executive Energy Systems Catapult
  4. Ian Ellerington, Head of Innovation Delivery, DECC
  5. Inder Poonaji, Head of Sustainability, Viridor
  6. Craig Edgar, Head of Future Energies, Atkins
  7. Rob Saunders,  Head of Energy, Innovate UK
  8. Sara Bell, Chief Executive Tempus Energy
  9. Julia Groves, Chair UK Crowdfunding Association
  10. Jonathan Lydiard-Wilson, Managing Director, Accenture Operations
  11. David Cornish, Global Sustainability Manager, AkzoNobel
  12. Marius Roestad, Head of Product, Nimber

There are also a range of other organisations involved in the programme including the Carbon Trust, PNO Consultants, Surrey Reuse Network, Warp-It, The Good Rubbish Company, Community RePaint, Braiform, Innoverne, Community Shop, Oakdene Hollins, Cambridgeshire Community Reuse & Recycling Network, Stone Computers, Desso, Turquoise Corporate Finance, Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, over 30 active investors and financiers; local authorities; community reuse schemes; and leading sustainability professionals from a range of organisations.

The standard delegate price is £125 plus VAT, with major discounts available for investors and cleantech companies, so this event is designed to be both informative and exceptional value for money.  If you wish to attend just the UK Energy Breakfast element of the day, the cost is £35 plus VAT, whereas the breakfast event is free for those registered for the whole day.  Registration for all aspects of the event is at

The number of organisations already registered means it is not possible to list them all here, but they can be viewed at

Delegates for the Rushlight Show can also register to attend the Rushlight Awards Party which takes place in the evening after the Show at the same venue.  This will include not only wine, food and networking, but also a very brief awards announcement, a poster exhibition and mini-surgeries where attendees can have 1-1s with an investor, the Green Investment Bank, a PR specialist and a regulator.


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