Sustainability In Food & Drink Manufacturing : New Goals & Ambitions
The reduction of environmental impacts, protection of the natural habitat and a more sustainable food system are the goals of food and drink manufacturers who today announced a new set of commitments.
The Food and Drink Federation (FDF)’s ‘Ambition 2025’ builds on FDF’s ground-breaking Five-fold Environmental Ambition (FFEA), launched in 2007, widely acknowledged to be one of the first UK sector-wide set of environmental commitments.
Nearly a decade later, food and drink manufacturers have made significant progress on those targets. The new Ambition covers key areas where FDF believes food and drink manufacturing can help deliver the biggest positive impacts by working collaboratively across their supply chains. It includes new commitments on C02 emissions, food waste, use of more sustainable packaging systems, water use, and transport emissions.
The Ambition also goes further than the FFEA, with plans to engage members and stakeholders in the promotion of sustainable supply chains and the enhancement of natural capital. In collaboration with others, FDF believes the industry can play a positive role in building resilient and sustainable value chains into the future.
The partnership approach has proven most effective at engaging the diverse parts of the UK food chain.
FDF’s Ambition 2025:
· The C02 emissions from FDF members’ UK manufacturing operations have been reduced by 44% since 1990. We are setting a new and challenging target of a 55% absolute reduction by 2025, fully in-line with UK carbon budgets’ target2.
Our members have already contributed to a cut in supply chain waste of 3.2% under the first two years of the Courtauld Commitment 3. The new ambition also maintains a commitment to send zero food and packaging waste to landfill from members’ own direct operations from 2016 and beyond. As a signatory of Courtauld 2025, FDF is committed to helping WRAP achieve a 20% per capita reduction in UK food and drink waste by 20252.
Reporting FDF members have reduced water use by almost a third (30.1%) since 2007. Delivering continuous improvement in water use across the whole supply chain, food and drink manufacturers are contributing to an industry-wide target of a 20% reduction by 20203.
· Member organisations contributed to a 3.9% reduction in carbon impact of food and drink packaging under the first two years of Phase 3 of the WRAP Courtauld Commitment. Under the new Ambition they will be working to reduce the impact of used packaging as part of developing more sustainable packaging systems. Specifically, FDF is currently working in partnership with the Industry Council for Research on Packaging and the Environment (INCPEN) on a sustainable packaging checklist.
· FDF members have contributed to a reduction in transport emissions of 6.8% since 2010 under the Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme (LCRS) operated by the Freight Transport Association (FTA). To help FDF members commit to further reduce the environmental impact of their transport operations, whether their own or third party fleets, we have produced an updated checklist of environmental standards embodying the ‘Fewer and Friendlier Food Miles approach’. We will also be supporting the FTA in developing a second phase of the LCRS.
· Sustainable Supply Chains: FDF will promote the uptake of sustainability standards and will develop a comprehensive online signposting tool to guide members in integrating sustainable sourcing into their supply chain.
· Natural Capital: FDF has become a member of the Natural Capital Coalition and will work with partners to increase awareness of the business benefits of valuing natural capital4.
FDF commits to assess and report progress towards the new 2025 ambition on an annual basis.
Helen Munday, Director of Food Safety, Science and Sustainability & Chief Scientific Officer, Food and Drink Federation, said:
“FDF’s Five-fold Environmental Ambition was truly ground-breaking when we launched it in 2007. Now, having made great progress across a range of areas, including massive CO2 emission and water use reductions, we’ve looked again at what more we can deliver, engaging with more companies within our sector and beyond. The partnership approach has proven most effective at engaging the diverse parts of the UK food chain. We’re working with Government and partners such as WRAP and the Natural Capital Coalition to help deliver wider objectives.”
Nick Vermont, Regional CEO, McCain Foods and Chair of FDF’s Sustainability Steering Group, said:
“The Ambition 2025 is the next step on our journey to help deliver a sustainable food system into the future. It is a journey that will see our industry continue to take a leading role to further improve resource efficiencies and address the wider sustainability agenda.”

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