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Blue & Green Daily: Tuesday 10 February headlines



Blue & Green Daily finds and summarises the top sustainability stories around the web every morning. We start with our own picks from Blue & Green Tomorrow.

Urban sustainable tourism: being responsible in the city

In extinction level event movies and books, the powerful hide the truth

Church of England to debate climate change amid calls for fossil fuel divestment

Jeremy Grantham: investing in shale gas is a waste of money


More than 5,000 traders and bank staff dismissed since financial crash


10 February headlines

Banks face new industry benchmarks

British banks will be benchmarked against one another to track their performance, with lenders expected to publish figures ranging from the number of staff that make whistleblowing complaints, to how many employees are in professional training. Telegraph


‘No target’ in UK animal tests plan

The UK government has launched its delivery plan to replace, refine and reduce the use of animals in research – known as ‘the 3Rs’. It pledges to encourage scientists to use alternatives wherever possible but there is no commitment to reduce the total number of animal experiments. BBC.

UK flood clean-up costs could hit £1bn, insurance expert warns

The cost of clearing up after this winter’s floods and storms could hit £1bn if rain continues to fall on water-logged ground and causes damage to more homes and businesses, an insurance expert has warned. Guardian.


Buffett-backed BYD behind first all-electric London cab fleet

Warren Buffett-backed Chinese carmaker BYD will launch London’s first ever all-electric taxi fleet, pulling ahead of rivals such as Nissan in the race to roll out zero emission cars by 2018. London Mayor Boris Johnson’s target for the capital’s taxis to be zero-emissions has sparked a battle between manufacturers to develop green vehicles. Financial Times.

UK Environment Agency head slams government over floods

Prime minister David Cameron called for a renewed focus on fighting floods across southern England after communities secretary Eric Pickles and Environment Agency chairman Chris Smith traded accusation over the handling of the crisis. Bloomberg.



Interesting picks

Defining the different ethical investing strategies – FT Adviser

Will ministers listen to British Cycling’s manifesto? – Guardian

With competitive ruin looming, energy policy needs a brand new start – Telegraph


The role of government in the transition to a sustainable economy – Huffington Post

Focus on sustainability can improve long-term prospects – FT Adviser


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