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Cleantech Nominations Close This Month



Every year since 2009, the Cleantech Group devise a list of one hundred independent, for-profit, cleantech companies who are most likely to make the most significant market impact over the next five to ten years. They invite hundreds of people to nominate their choice and combine the nominations with three other sources so the list is a fair representation and not just their own “editorial voice”.

The deadline for this year’s Cleantech Global 100 programme is fast approaching. Phase one of the programme will end on May 31, leaving less than a month for nominations.

Cleantech are seeking to find the top 100 companies who will contribute to the clean technology market in the next five to ten years.

Anyone can nominate, whether you are an “investor with innovative cleantech companies in your portfolio”, an employee of a “trailblazing start-up or an incubator or accelerator” or even an “admirer of the work being done by a specific cleantech company”.

The list is decided by four phases. Phase one combines nominations from four sources:


1, Public nominations from within Cleantech Group’s network and the wider global clean technology market

2, Nominations collected from 414 third party awards and other expert rankings

3, Passive nominations based on investment history and significant commercial partnerships collected in

4, Nominations from the expert Cleantech panel.


In 2015 6,900 companies were nominated. A short list of just 323 companies was then put before Cleantech’s expert panel.

Phase two of the process is the scoring phase. Cleantech group say: The scoring system rewards companies that have multiple validations across multiple sources, to align with our objective to synthesize and represent collective opinion. Therefore, a company that has completed numerous market transactions (tracked through i3connect), been nominated by multiple people in the market —both publicly and within our expert panel—and appeared in third-party rankings, will tend to score better under our methodology than a hidden gem that few know about and vote for.”

Phase three is all down to the experts. The expert panellists evaluate the shortlisted companies based on three factors:

1, Innovation, including the problem it solves, uniqueness and its sustainability of advantage


2, Market – including its accessibility, size, growth and barriers to entry

3, Ability to execute – including its finances, team competencies, connects and networks.

The final phase, phase four, includes combining information from phases one and three to find the companies with the greatest number of points. These companies then make up the final 100.

To nominate a Cleantech company (it must not be listed on any major stock exchange) visit the Cleantech website before May 31.


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