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UK Green Building Council (UK-GBC) Comment On Autumn Statement



Chief Executive at UK-GBC, Julie Hirigoyen, said:

“We welcome the Government’s announcement of a boost for affordable housing, and the efforts being made to reduce the costs for those in rented accommodation. However, energy bills are a growing financial concern for the “just about managing”. Government must do more to ensure that our homes are cost effective to run in the long term.

“If the Government is serious about delivering ‘a housing market that works for everyone’, new homes must be built to higher energy efficiency standards, to prevent us having to retrofit them in the future. The Government must also do more to support energy efficiency measures in existing homes, making them cheaper to heat and healthier to live in.

“The Chancellor’s focus on R&D and productivity is also welcome; low carbon technologies are the ultimate ‘disruptive technology’ and there are clear economic opportunities for the UK to position itself as a global market leader. High-quality, sustainable buildings can also improve the productivity of the organisations that work in them.”


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