The Blue Circle, Southeast Asia’s leading wind energy developer, has been nominated as the first renewable energy development company to receive funding from the Seed Capital...
Nigel Stansfield has been appointed by Interface Inc., a global leader in modular flooring design and production, as the President of the EMEA. Stansfield has over...
CS Wind announced today that CS Wind is planning to build a new offshore tower manufacturing facility at Campbeltown in Scotland after a multi-million pound investment...
This morning the European Parliament’s Environment Committee (ENVI) voted on EU Emissions Trading Scheme’s redesign for the next 10 years. CAN Europe welcomes the steps the...
Carbon Tracker has released the following response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report, published by the Financial Stability Board. The full report...
The London Borough of Southwark Pension Fund has become the largest in the UK to commit to start moving away from investments in fossil fuels. The pension...
Ecotricity, Britain’s leading green energy company, have illuminated their first windmill in green last night to mark 20 years since it started generating electricity in Gloucestershire....
The FSB’s Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures today published their recommendations for how companies and financial institutions should disclose information about climate risks, reacting to the...
InfluenceMap has assessed CEO Rex Tillerson and ExxonMobil’s record on lobbying climate change policy as he is nominated to be the next US Secretary of State. While...
An announcement has come today detailing a £5million investment from global energy companies for the firm behind plans to build a commercial-scale, kite-driven power station, near...
Today marked an announcement stating that funds valued at over US$5 trillion have now divested from fossil fuels at press conferences in New York and London. Global commitments...
Christian Aid’s Head of Private Sector Engagement, Ken Boyce has responded to the news that institutions and individuals controlling $5.197 trillion in assets have pledged to...
Trevor Hutchings, Director of UK and EU Advocacy at WWF-UK has commented on the first anniversary of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the following statements....
Campaigners have blockaded Aberthaw coal-fired power station near Barry, South Wales as they protest local air pollution deaths and climate change. Activists formed a blockade with tripods, a...
The Divest Parliament campaign has been launched today by a cross-party group of MPs and, appealing for more transparency on the Parliamentary pension fund’s £589m investments and...