The Systems View of Life takes a broad sweep through the history of ideas and across scientific disciplines. It argues that the way we look at...
People Over Capital, from the magazines Ethical Consumer and New Internationalist, is a collection of essays looking at the co-operative model and its benefits. It seeks...
The World We Made: Alex McKay’s Story from 2050presents a credible, positive vision of our planet in the future. It sets out what needs to happen...
Capital in the Twenty-First Century takes a comprehensive look at wealth and income inequality, investigating how it has changed since the 18th century. Economist Thomas Piketty...
Harriet Lamb, director of the Fairtrade Foundation, looks at the fairtrade revolution, explains why it is important and what impact it can have around the world...
The Crisis of Global Capitalism looks at economic theory and the financial crisis that was occurring in the 1990s and aims to show how theoretical assumptions...
Political and social scientist Susan George considers the third world debt crisis and looks at how and why the global wealth gap is continuing to wider...
Al Gore, the former US vice-president behind An Inconvenient Truth, explores the political, social and economic forces that are shaping the world in The Future. He...
Stephen Emmott, head of computational science at Microsoft Research, clearly and simply spells out some of the world’s most pressing problems in 10 Billion. Emmott has...
When Corporations Rule the World argues that economic globalisation has concentrated the power to govern global corporations and financial markets and detached them from accountability to...
Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz looks at the consequences of economic policy and offers up solutions in Globalisation and Its Discontents. As the former senior...
Controversial book The Skeptical Environmentalist looks at the claims around environmental and social issues such as overpopulation, energy resources, water shortages and climate change. Bjørn Lomborg...
Moving People looks at the impacts of transport and offers an introduction into how the area can be made more sustainable – as well as the...
The Co-operative Revolution is a graphic novel by Manchester-based cartoonist Polyp that looks at the beginnings of the co-operative movement and the benefits and positive impacts...
Journalist McKenzie Funk takes a unique look at climate change and investigates the businesses and entrepreneurs that are coming up with solutions to help them profit...