Martin Ellis is an ethical investor. Despite having only begun his investment journey three or four years ago, it was clear to him from the off...
Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-nominated Lincoln (about the 16th US president, not the East Midlands town*) is released in the UK today. Simon Leadbetter argues that future generations...
It’s ISA season, which reaches a crescendo of emails, press adverts and posters in March. This three-month period is the time of year when those wishing...
Seventy-three per cent of independent financial advisers (IFAs) get requests for ethical investment options from clients, according to a Blue & Green Tomorrow survey of the...
The Telegraph has today published a crowdfunded full-page advert from Greenpeace that attacks oil giant Shell over its exploration activities in the Arctic. Over 1,200 people...
Forty-six per cent of financial advisers that recently completed a Blue & Green Tomorrow survey reported that the retail distribution review (RDR) will harm the interests...
The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association, commonly referred to as UKSIF, is the membership network for sustainable and responsible financial services. Its job is to...
Ramped up responsible investment into agriculture could help tackle poverty and hunger across the world, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). It says...
The Social Investment Organisation (SIO) in Canada has confirmed that the country’s socially responsible investment (SRI) sector has witnessed a 16% growth in just two years....
Julie King is an ethical investor. After setting up a private pension, she began looking for ways her money would be able to make a positive...
High street banks including Lloyds Banking Group, HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland and Nationwide have revealed what they will charge for financial advice, following the introduction...
Government ministers were angered in 1997 after the Princess called for an international ban on landmines after seeing victims in Angola. With news that a Yorkshire...
Eurosif, or the European Sustainable Investment Forum, is the overarching responsible investment body for the whole of Europe. Its mission is to “develop sustainability through European...
The phrase ‘climate alarmist’ is a description levelled by sceptics at scientists, campaigners and writers who wax lyrical about the potentially devastating impacts of climate change....
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) looks set to cover half of its impending Libor fine using last year’s investment banking bonus pool. The bank is...