Isabel Allen and Simon McWhirter, directors at Hab Housing, explore some of the myths that surround custom-build and explain why it has a key role to play...
When visiting a country you are exactly that: a visitor, not a local – correct? But putting yourself in the mindset of a local person not...
In an article subheaded, “Complexity in taxation puts employers off employing and conceals the truth about tax from those who pay it”, Amol Rajan makes the argument...
Legend tells that in around 832 AD, in what is now East Lothian, on the eve of war with his fierce English enemies, King Angus of...
The Philippines tourism board has urged tourists to keep considering the country as a holiday destination to enjoy the areas not touched by the Typhoon Haiyan...
It’s that time of year again, when usually respectable men stop shaving their upper lip for a month for Movember. In most cases, what usually appears...
Pope Francis met delegates from South America this month to discuss the oil and gas drilling plans proposed by corporations in the region. He announced he...
Good Energy and Ecotricity, two leading renewable energy suppliers, have taken the unprecedented steps of freezing their gas and electricity prices until the end of winter....
Ecosia, a search engine dubbed the “green Google alternative”, donates a large proportion of its income to a reforestation programme in Brazil. Its developers say its current...
Retail giant Sainsbury’s has opened its first two ‘triple zero’ stores – branches that have zero carbon emissions and are water neutral, from which zero waste...
Around 4.5 million people in Britain are members or supporters of environmental groups, a new report has revealed. It adds that the majority of charitable funds...
The German National Tourist Board (DZT) has become the first national tourist board to be presented with the prestigious Green Globe Certificate – a globally recognised...
Ahead of the ban on neonicotinoids pesticides to protect bee population, the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) has said that this could lead to an increase in...
A survey has found that the North Sea oil and gas industry could be undermined by Scottish independence, a lack of skills and rocketing rates of...
The two biggest political parties in Germany have struck a deal to form a coalition, two months after chancellor Angela Merkel won the general election. Merkel’s...