There are plenty of independent financial advisers (IFAs) across the country who give advice on ethical, sustainable and responsible investment. Our job is to tell you...
Across all forms of investment and finance – from ISAs through to equities – most people still don’t associate what they invest in with real world...
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) recently picked out six sectors, and the ‘greening’ of which can ensure long-term prosperity for developing countries: agriculture, fisheries, forests, manufacturing, renewable...
Isabelle de Grave asks whether funds and investors should be alert to the risk natural resource scarcity poses to sovereign bonds. The environment is not often...
Do you ever wonder what your jeans have got to do with ethics? Your shirt with water levels? How your pants may be affecting social rights...
Each year the fund management industry gets together to salute their heroes at the Royal Albert Hall. It is always a very well attended event and...
Capitalist lore states that shareholders have more concern for the long-term interests of companies they invest in than managers do. The increase in high frequency trading...
A survey by Energy Now magazine in January this year revealed two startling statistics: 95% of farmers and landowners believe renewable energy will be vital to the future of farming...
On this day in 2006, one of the environmental movement’s most seminal documentary films – An Inconvenient Truth – premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. This...
Many of us who were around at the time were big fans of Alas Smith & Jones (1984-1998). Alas, Griff Rhys Jones has recently become embroiled...
This week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) called for more effort by the UK government to stimulate a strong and sustainable recovery. Simon Leadbetter lays out what...
Seven years ago today, former US vice-president Al Gore’s documentary film about global warming – An Inconvenient Truth – premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Since then,...
They have spectacular architecture, some of history’s finest artists and produce over 240 types of cheese. And when it comes to sustainable and responsible investment (SRI),...
This week, two corporate giants, Amazon and HSBC, hold their AGMs and although the worlds of the internet and investment may be very different, their shareholders...
In the last 12 months, the mainstream banks have become embroiled in yet more scandals, crises and irresponsibility. In an extract from a recent talk, Ecology...